Peter Beyer Photography
Landhaus Kanton Zürich
Switzerland, 2020
Sanierung eines Landhauses durch Salvini Rüegsegger Architekten GmbH, Zürich, erbaut durch die Architekten Guex und Kirchhoff, Genf, 1963.
MORPHO-LOGIC Architekten BDA Stadtplaner
Kärntner Nockberge, Austria, 2019
Ferienhaus für eine sechsköpfige Familie auf kleinem Hanggrundstück in den Kärntner Nockbergen
Sanierung Landhaus Weiningen
Zürich, Switzerland, 2020
Erbaut durch die Architekten Guex und Kirchhoff im Jahre 1963 - geplant, um möglichst alle Räume auf einem Niveau zu organisieren, sowie...
Jonathan Sage Photography
House 213
Weßling, Germany, 2019
The cubic structure of the house and the steep slope intersect, arranged in a staggered formation to exploit the south-facing views towar...
Najjar Najjar Architects
Haus P
Wien, Austria, 2023
Das Haus P liegt an der grünen Stadtgrenze Wiens, die sich sanft in die Ausläufer des malerischen Wiener Waldes schmiegt. Unsere Gestal...
Darlington Meier Architekten AG
Neubau Wohnhaus Schwizerstrasse, Uster
Switzerland, 2012
Einfamilienhaus am Steilhang in Sichtbeton
Court House in Nagoya
Nagoya, Japan, 2014
The site is to the west to approximately 1 kilo from Nagoya-jo Castle. Nagoya is is located at the middle of Tokyo and Osaka. The summer...
Atelier Semadeni Hotz
Zürich, Switzerland, 2012
Restauration und Umbau Reiheneinfamilienhaus in Zürich.
Lagula Arquitectes
Spain, 2019
The house is settled in a narrow plot, where golf and forest views are facing against the proper sun orientation. Also the neighbour prox...
Dumican Mosey Architects
Atherton Residence
Atherton, USA, 2014
Designed for Bay Area luminaries in Atherton, California this residence reflects a well-orchestrated response to a host of requirements, ...
bark | büro für architektur, raum & konzept
Einfamilienhaus Rietwiesenstrasse
Lengnau, Switzerland, 2019
Situation: Die Parzelle am Dorfrand ist direkt nach Süden zur Landwirtschaftszone orientiert. Im Norden und Osten bildet der Neubau zusam...
House L
Changchun, China, 2019
A property bought by our client, seated in a silent and elegant townhouse neighborhood in Jingyue District of Changchun City, is going to...
S House
Oderzo, Italy, 2020
Il bianco è la componente dominante che avvolge lo spazio in questo progetto di ristrutturazione d’interni di un piccolo edificio nel cuo...
Taylor Beach House
Malibu, CA, USA, 2020
SPF:architects (SPF:a) has completed renovations on the Taylor Beach House, a 1977 home originally designed by noted California modernist...
Anahita Spitznagel - Doongaji
Innenrenovation, Anbau und Umbau von einem…
Graubünden, Switzerland, 2019
Innenrenovation, 2019 Bei der Innenrenovation wurden nebst wenigen kleineren Eingriffen alle Oberflächen aufgefrischt un...
Benjamin von Pidoll | Architektur
Haus P
Köln, Germany, 2022
Die ehemals als Offiziershaus genutzte, denkmalgeschützte Villa wird in mehreren Schritten umgestaltet und durch eine untergeschossige Er...
Re: KT-house
福井, Japan, 2019
この作品は、イタリアのデザイン賞A' Design Award 2020 のインテリア部門で[銅賞]を受賞しました。 概要説明: 《KT-House》は竣工後18年が経ち、設備機器の更新も兼ねて1階を中心に改修することになりました。 デザイン・コンセプトの貫徹: この住...
SPPA Architekten
Neubau Villa Amanjiwo, Luzern
Switzerland, 2017
Der Neubau an der Leumattstrasse liegt im Bellerive-Quartier, nahe zum Stadtzentrum von Luzern. Das Grundstück in leicht erhöhter Lage, a...
Dumican Mosey Architects
Noe Valley Residence
San Francisco, USA, 2010
While the historic Victorian front façade retains a preservationist public face, the interior of this Noe Valley residence evokes an open...
Dumican Mosey Architects
SOMA Residence, Artist Gallery & Studio
San Francisco, USA, 2017
The existing historic industrial-use building provided a unique canvas, and challenging opportunity for this carefully considered owner-o...
Dumican Mosey Architects
Church Street Residence
San Francisco, USA, 2013
The vision for the Church Street Residence was a bold, Modernist, infill within an existing wall of non-descript urban streetscape punctu...
Dumican Mosey Architects
Nob Hill Residence
San Francisco, USA, 2018
A four-story full interior remodel and addition updated this stately townhouse in Nob Hill with an elegant, modern design. A sculptural, ...
graz architekten ag
Neubau Einfamilienhaus in Mülchi / BE
Mülchi, Switzerland, 2018
Neubau Einfamilienhaus in ökologischer Holzrahmenbauweise und nachhaltiger Haustechnik in idyllischer Landschaft abseits Verkehr und Lärm.
Dumican Mosey Architects
Menlo Park Courtyard Residence
Menlo Park, USA, 2009
Designed for a young family from New Zealand, the 5,000 square foot residence located on the edge of downtown Menlo Park is a new leaf on...
Dumican Mosey Architects
Belvedere Street Residence
San Francisco, USA, 2016
The Belvedere Street Residence project involved a significant three-story, rear-yard addition to an existing historic Victorian-Era Resid...
Dumican Mosey Architects
Presidio Heights Residence
San Francisco, USA, 2015
Fronting the open greenspace of the Presidio with a “flag lot” configuration, approach from Spruce Street, and a reverse floor plan, the ...
Dumican Mosey Architects
Cole Valley Residence
San Francisco, USA, 2016
A small, oddly-shaped, steep down-sloping vacant lot (only 1350 square feet) in the Cole Valley neighborhood of San Francisco created con...
Hegi Koch Kolb + Partner
Einfamilienhaus Götz
Geltwil, Switzerland, 2019
In Geltwil mit Blick über unberührtes Landwirtschaftsland und auf den Zugersee sollte ein Haus entstehen, welches zum einen die Aussicht ...
MIDE architetti
Villa con un ampio portico
Este, Italy, 2023
La richiesta dei committenti era di avere una nuova casa dalle linee semplici, dove poter godere dell’ampio parco esistente. MIDE archite...
Gaurav Roy Choudhury Architects
Bangalore, India, 2018
We were called in to visit the site in an well established central neighbourhood of Bangalore, after some construction had already progre...
Faulkner Architects a.p.c.
Lookout House
Truckee, USA, 2018
The building site had a significant influence on the design for this house. Layered with intense geologic history at the base of a three-...