


東京, Japan, 2006

「質」の対話 目黒通りから一本奥に入った、昭和初期頃からの閑静な屋敷街の一角が敷地である。



東京, Japan, 2006




東京, Japan, 2008

「雨・晴れ」 気候の中の建築




静岡, Japan, 2009

白の質量 南方に太平洋を見下ろす伊豆山の中腹に敷地はある。


Tree house

東京, Japan, 2009

丘の頂部近くの旗竿型の敷地で、地盤は竿から旗へと緩く上っていく。周囲を隣家に囲い込まれ、旗竿地特有の薄暗さや圧迫感もあったが、それよりも少し街か ら奥まった外部に晒されていない深部といった場の性格が意識...


near house

東京, Japan, 2010

“小ささ”を“近さ”と読み替える 都内でも比較的細かな地割りの続く密集度の高い住宅地。それを更にもう一段分割して分譲された敷地は、当然、それなりの“小ささ”である。旗竿型という、 整形ではないこのタイプの地型では、面...



静岡県, Japan, 2011

新しい地形 途中二度程クランクした、南北に50m、幅4〜5m程の細長い敷地。県庁所在地でもある地方都市の中心部に位置していて、周囲は高容積な防火地域であることから、中高層の鉄筋コンクリート造の建築物がひしめき合ってい...


ジオ メトリア

神奈川, Japan, 2011

土地の構造 箱根の山々と小田原の平野部の交わる辺り、その山側に敷地はある。

Felder Architektur

Haus Bertschinger

Eglisau, Switzerland, 2009

Bildung von Aussenräumen. Verbindung zwischen Innen und Aussen Der Bauplatz zeichnet sich durch stark unterschiedl...

Felder Architektur

Haus Stokar

Zürich, Switzerland, 2004

Subtile Eingriffe in wertvollem Bestand Das Haus Stokar ist ein hundertjähriges Haus gebaut für einen Kunstmaler. ...

Titus Bernhard Architekten BDA

Haus SL

Mering, Germany, 2007

Durch die Behandlung seiner Fassaden fügt sich auch das Haus SL in die Reihe der phänomenologischenWohnhäuser von Titus Bernhard Architek...

Titus Bernhard Architekten BDA

Haus K

St. Quirin/Tegernsee, Germany, 2005

Die baulichen Vorgaben im Tegernseer Land sind restriktiv. Wie also reagieren auf die Qualitäten einer tradierten und durchaus erhaltensw...

Titus Bernhard Architekten BDA

Haus SML

Burgrieden, Germany, 2002

Die Bauherren, Industriedesigner und Versicherungskaufmann, erwerben ein ca. 6.000 qm großes landwirtschaftliches Grundstück am Ortsrand ...

Titus Bernhard Architekten BDA

Haus B

Leitershofen, Germany, 2002

Es ist das vorläufig letzte Haus in einer Reihe kubischer Wohnhäuser, die von 1996 bis 2002 entstanden. Das Grundstück war bis zum Baubeg...

arc architekturconzept GmbH

Einfamilienhaus „Am Wasserwerk“

Magdeburg, Germany, 2010

F.A.B. - Forschungs- und Architekturbüro


Füllinsdorf, Switzerland, 2012

Dieses fertiggestellte Einfamilienhaus in der Nähe von Basel ist das allererste Helix-Haus und beinhaltet alles was das Helix-System ausm...

Steven Holl Architects

Daeyang Gallery and House

Seoul, South Korea, 2012

The private gallery and house is sited in the hills of the Kangbuk section of Seoul, Korea. The basic geometry of the building is inspire...


Wohnhaus Brückner

Stuttgart, Germany, 2002

Aus den topographischen Gegebenheiten leitet sich das Konzept eines viergeschossigen Baukörpers ab. Ziel war es mit geringen Eingriffen i...

SPG Architects

Beach Walk House

Fire Island, USA, 2011

This Fire Island house is located directly behind beach-front dunes. The strict requirements of both FEMA and local codes regarding heigh...

Johannes Norlander Arkitektur

House Älta

Älta, Sweden, 2007

The property is situated in the town Älta, a few kilometres south of Stockholm. The house is located on a hilly site with relatively...

Johannes Norlander Arkitektur

House Tumle

Outside Gothenburg, Sweden, 2010

The property is located in a residential area north west of Gothenburg, on the top of a hill, overlooking the North Sea. The shape of the...

Johannes Norlander Arkitektur

House Morran

Gothenburg Archipelago, Sweden, 2010

The house is located on an island just by the sea fairway to the port of Gothenburg. The project is a transformation of a warn down cotta...

Bruce Stafford Architects

Z House

Bellevue Hill, Sydney, Australia, 2011

Bruce Stafford Architects

S House

Double Bay, Sydney, Australia, 2004

A new home with a simple concept. The traditional streetscape of the surrounding houses is reflected in the street façade and a co...

Bruce Stafford Architects

N House

Bellevue Hill, Sydney, Australia, 2008

A contemporary home influenced by Asian and Australian cultures. The house is both a unique expression of the clients’ personalitie...

Bruce Stafford Architects

M House

Double Bay, Sydney, Australia, 2008

This family home was designed on a small site to maximize space and allow for easy, contemporary living. A retaining wall along the rear ...

Bruce Stafford Architects

L House

Bellevue Hill, Sydney, Australia, 2008

This renovation seeks to combine low maintenance living whilst addressing and maximizing the expansive westerly city views. ...

Bruce Stafford Architects

R House

Bellevue Hill, Sydney, Australia, 2008

Situated on a large site, at the end of a long battle axe, this home’s scale is hidden from the street and is articulated to preser...

Bruce Stafford Architects

K3 House

Vaucluse, Sydney, Australia, 2009

This dramatic renovation centres around a spacious internal courtyard defined by natural rock face and lush vegetation. Large sliding gla...

Bruce Stafford Architects

K1 House

Vaucluse, Sydney, Australia, 2007

Conceived from the earth and its natural products, Singita Boulders celebrates organic design and materials. Situated along the banks of ...

Bruce Stafford Architects

G House

Vaucluse, Sydney, Australia, 2010

A typical eastern Suburbs harbour view site; long, narrow and sloping away from the road toward harbour and Manly views. A...

Bruce Stafford Architects

A House

Vaucluse, Sydney, Australia, 2009

This home is situated on a narrow site with waterfront at one short end and parkland along the long northerly side. The prime design gene...

Bruce Stafford Architects

B House

Rose Bay, Sydney, Australia, 2009

The renovation of an existing house which was originally an 80’s style multi-tenancy building. Only the external walls were retaine...


Wind House

Deesa, India, 2014

A multi-generational family of eight asked for a straightforward house that would naturally withstand the harsh climate conditions of nor...


Tower House

Ahmedabad, India, 2015

In many ways, this project is more about its making than anything else. For us, an opportunity to reflect on the contingencies of the des...


L House

Lapkaman, India, 2014

Located at the corner of three adjoining plots, this house rises from the ground, each plinth turning as it moves up, creating a volume t...

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