
Mariana Montag Ferreira

Jajja's House

Kampala, Uganda

Self-built housing for rural women Jajja's house is an emancipatory project of self-built housing for rural women. From first drawings t...

Miguel Carrasco

Dead space

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Rethinking the Role of Cemeteries in Urban Contexts Urban cemeteries often represent a rupture in the tissue of contemporary cities. Exp...

Daniela Moro

Blurring the map

Curitiba, Brazil

A strategy to uncover concealed spatial narratives This graphic essay debates mapping the dual character of the City in its superimposed...

Matthew Jones

The Floating Embassy

Beijing, China

Scale as a tool to reframe, represent & reconstruct Beijing’s fragmented urban condition and society. The Floating embassy collates ...

Elias Bey

The Hamilton Ave Footbridge, Red Hook, New York…

New York City, USA

Striving for Urban Resilience, The Making of a Regenerative and Lively Connection Beyond Infrastructure This project aims to improve the...

Morgane Lahaye

Double exposure

Muntac, Switzerland

the complex layering of domesticity An intuitive, personal and narrative research* about a Swiss vernacular house, a family and the desi...

Yves Dupont


Hasselt, Belgium

A house for craftsmanship in Belgian Limburg The project concerns the establishment of a house for craftsmanship in Belgian Limburg, als...

Ludovic Gaffarel

The Post-Brexit customs

Rotterdam, Netherlands

An Infrastructure : Territorial - Intensity - Form At the end of the Rhine, on the periphery of Rotterdam, stands Hoek van Holland. Sinc...

Oliver Carter

Polyvalent Models

London, Great Britain

Programmatic adaptation with minimal modification In a measured response to the climate crisis, this submission addresses the use of gro...

Seva Yurchenko , Sonja Draskovic

Forensics of Grenfell

London, Great Britain

An Inquiry into the Ethics of Demolition The project analyses the photographic footage of the tragic event of the Grenfell Tower fire th...

Luca Petrányi

Vulnerable Architecture as Ephemeral Fossil

Gunung Merapi, Selo, Boyolali, Indonesia

A Ritual Tour on Merapi volcano Creating vulnerable architectural forms on purpose is equal with meaninglessness that is not on the pale...

Kateřina Průchová


Czech Republic

Dead and Alive This thesis is a proposition for the renewal of the human-landscape relationship. It deals with the specific landscape in...

Edvardas Bukota

Conditions and Contradictions on the Furka Pass

Furkapass, Switzerland

A never-ending transformation A landscape of hostility. A place of change. A space of contradiction. A structure of isolation and openne...

LDLuz_Lighting Design Studio


Barcelona, Spain, 2018

(IN)Material is a delicate light installation that explores the nature of light as an intangible matter, which reveals its presence and i...

LDLuz_Lighting Design Studio

Crossfit La Huella

Barcelona, Spain, 2019

Stage design for a sports brand launch event. Private event for members of the Club Crossfit la Huella, located in the heart of Barcelona...

LDLuz_Lighting Design Studio

Restaurant KHO

Barcelona, Spain, 2017

Asian restaurant in the heart of the Poblenou neighborhood in Barcelona. A project that reflects the personality of the owners, photograp...

LDLuz_Lighting Design Studio

Son Vida House

Islas Baleares, Spain, 2018

Luxury residential project, three levels with exterior areas and landscape design.

LDLuz_Lighting Design Studio

Holmes Place Balmes_Gym

Barcelona, Spain, 2018

Exclusive sports club in the center of Barcelona. Basement level renovation in the Spinning room, Directed activities and Functional trai...

LDLuz_Lighting Design Studio

Holmes Place Balmes_Yoga Studio

Barcelona, Spain, 2018

This lighting and architectural proposal evokes typical concepts found on the philosophy of Yoga: fluidity, harmony and balance. The main...

Just Architekten GmbH

Neue Mainzer 52

Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2020

Für die Neukonzipierung der common areas einer großen Anwaltskanzlei in der 25ten Etage des Main Towers haben wir durch die Entwicklung n...

Just Architekten GmbH

mainBuilding Conference Center

Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2020

Das neue Conference Center - stilvoll, modern und innovativ und eingebettet in die exklusive Gesamtanlage des mainBuildings. Zentral gele...


New Building of the Faculty of Social Work…

Ghent, Belgium, 2020

The new Building for the Faculty of Social Work (Building T) and the Sports Hall Extension at Kampus Schoonmeersen of University HOGENT i...

NBJ Architectes

Parc d’activités Calmacé à Gignac

Gignac, France, 2007

“ Une invitation à la convivialité, un respect du patrimoine”. Les caractéristiques paysagères liées au site d’implantation de ce nouvel ...

Bauwerk Perspektiven, Gerd Schaller

Stiftstadt Wohnen Kempten

Kempten, Germany, 2020

Eine Region, die sich im Hinblick auf Bevölkerungszuwachs auf der Überholspur befindet, ist das Allgäu. Ein konstantes Wirtschaftswachstu...



東京都渋谷区, Japan, 2018


Oliver Christen Architekten

Ersatzneubau Ferienhaus Aulina

Flumserberg-Bergheim, Switzerland, 2020

Das präzise am Ort situierte Gebäude schmiegt sich an den Hangfuss der topografischen Erhebung des Aulinakopfs und befindet sich am Auslä...

NBJ Architectes

Restructuration et extension du Lycée Paul…

Menton, France, 2009

Le projet de restructuration et d’extension du lycée Paul Valéry à Menton se caractérise par une forte dualité. D’une part un site magnif...

NBJ Architectes

Centre des Services Techniques

La Grande Motte, France, 2007

La ville de la Grande Motte, située au bord de la méditerranée, bénéficie d’un climat doux et tempéré. Le projet de construction de nouve...

Schaller Architekten Stadtplaner BDA

WoGe Köln eG. Im Clouth Quartier

Köln, Germany, 2017

Mehrfamilienhaus mit 13 Wohneinheiten, BGF: 1830 m², BRI: 5.766,62 m³, WF:1.048 m², Gesamtbaukosten 1.884.000 Euro (300+400 brutto), Pass...


Outside In

NN, Netherlands, 2020

This generous villa is made for a family of four, allowing for all rooms to be horizontally connected. A sustainable and spacious home th...

Schaller Architekten Stadtplaner BDA

Nutzergenossenschaft Neue Bahnstadt Opladen

Leverkusen-Opladen, Germany, 2017

Zertifizierte Klimaschutzsiedlung NRW, 6 Mehrfamilienhäuser, 55 Wohneinheiten + Gemeinschaftsräume, Tiefgarage mit 51 Stellplätzen, Bauja...

Architektur Staehelin, Gisin + Partner AG

Einfamilienhaus Füllinfdorf

Füllinfdorf, Switzerland, 2020

Das Einfamilienhaus befindet sich in einer Hanglage oberhalb des Rheins in der Nähe von Basel. Die Strassenfassade vom Bau wächst über dr...

däschler architekten & ingenieure gmbh


Halle (Saale), Germany

Halle-Neustadt zeigt sich hier von seiner besten Seite: grün – ruhig – lebenswert! Am nördlichen Rand zum Stadtpark Heide-Süd und am Über...

däschler architekten & ingenieure gmbh

Haus der Flüsse

Havelberg, Germany, 2015

"Haus der Flüsse" Natura 2000 Informationszentrum Biosphärenreservat Mittelelbe Das Haus der Flüsse informiert mit einer Dauerausstell...

Yohan Zerdoun

Housing on Meret Oppenheim-Strasse by Luca…

Basel, Switzerland, 2019

A suspenseful, attractive residential building with specific apartments, never before built in Basel, has been created at the corner plot...

West-line Studio

Guizhou Fire Station

Guizhou Province, China, 2017

The fire station is located at the very center of Guizhou Province, near its main city, Guiyang. The building grows in between two steep ...

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