
Falk Jaeger | 01.03.2024


The exhibition "drawing in space" by Sauerbruch Hutton provides an insight into the reflection and creative processes of their architecture. Falk Jaeger visited the exhibition and also found in it a journey through the development of architectural representation.

Hutton | 21.08.2023

Building of the Week

The Flint Hills is a region in Eastern Kansas that is notable for being home to large reserves of tallgrass prairie, the type of landscape that once covered much of the American Midwest. The off-the-grid Youngmeyer Ranch Field Station allows students and faculty from Wichita State University...

Elias Baumgarten | 09.06.2022


The west facade of the former GSW Headquarters high-rise in Berlin, designed by Sauerbruch Hutton, is set to be renewed and redesigned. This is architecturally, ecologically, but also economically questionable and sends the wrong signal.

René Ammann | 31.05.2022


Number of custom colors used on the sun-protection panels on the west facade of the former GSW Headquarters in Berlin, now threatened with "disfigurement" by...

Ulf Meyer | 27.09.2021


The M9 Museum of the 20th Century in Venice-Mestre is hosting draw love build, a large exhibition on thirty years of the work of Sauerbruch Hutton, the architectural practice that can boast of M9 as one of its flagship designs. Ulf Meyer visited the exhibition after its September 3rd...

Sauerbruch Hutton | 26.12.2018


M9 is a museum of the cultural inheritance of the 20th century, located in a small museum quarter in Mestre, the mainland gateway to Venice. M9 consists of one larger and one smaller new building plus a former convent and an office building.

John Hill | 30.05.2018


With three of four prizes in FREESPACE, the 16th International Exhibition at the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale, being given to displays of large photographs, the question arises: has architectural photography displaced drawings and models to become the mode for...

John Hill | 02.12.2016


As the year draws to a close we're presenting a selection of monographs on World-Architects member firms. Like last year's list, this baker's dozen illustrates that the architectural...

John Hill | 13.07.2016


The Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects, a modern Livery company that promotes quality architecture in the City of London and beyond, has named One New Ludgate by Fletcher Priest Architects and Two New Ludgate by Sauerbruch Hutton as City of London Building of the Year 2016.

John Hill | 10.06.2016


An online gallery of the concept designs created by the shortlist for the Latvian Museum of Contemporary Art International Design Competition has been unveiled by Malcolm Reading Consultants.