Visualization © ImagieWeCreate
Visualization © KRESINGS
Drawing © KRESINGS / Möhrle + Partner Landschaftsarchitektur
Städtebauliches Konzept
Drawing © KRESINGS
Grundriss Erdgeschoss
Drawing © KRESINGS
Grundriss Regelgeschoss
Drawing © KRESINGS
Grundriss Dachgeschoss
Drawing © KRESINGS
Drawing © KRESINGS
Drawing © KRESINGS
Drawing © KRESINGS
Drawing © KRESINGS
Drawing © KRESINGS
Drawing © KRESINGS

KWArtier - Karlsruhe Wohnen & Arbeiten

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Philipp-Reis-Straße 2, 76137 Karlsruhe, Germany
GIEAG Immobilien AG
Kilian Kresing (Projektpartner), Matthias Povel (Projektpartner/Projektleiter), Jutta Neuenhahn, Anna Laura Hölz, Till Grützner, Leonardo Micolta Diaz, Eyleen Pahl, Agnieszka Kociemska
Möhrle + Partner Landschaftsarchitektur

KWArtier is a current project of GIEAG Immobilien AG. Six renowned architectural firms were recently shortlisted in the competition for the new housing construction. At the end KRESINGS convinced the jury with its design. If you look at the environment, it becomes clear that the property is surrounded by a heterogeneous architecture consisting of a development area, the old town and buildings from the 70s and 80s. The architects respond to the epoch and material mix by incorporating the block-edge structure of the surroundings into their design, thus adapting to the large-scale proportions of Karlsruhe. The facade receives a horizontal and vertical modulation and is designed in different colors. The result is a quiet building form that self-confidently asserts itself in its environment. The projections and recesses give the impression of grouped units, counteract the large scale of the apartment block and, in harmony with the surroundings, create a harmonious overall picture. The exterior design contributes to maintaining the classical hierarchy between public, semi-public and private spaces. On the one hand, the privacy of the ground floor apartments can be guaranteed by the surrounding green area on the building's pedestal. On the other hand, the courtyard is a protected retreat area with private and common areas. The new residential district should promote a good neighborhood in the future: Away from anonymous side-by-side towards friendly cooperation!

Other Projects by KRESINGS

Autohaus Senger Oberursel
Oberursel, Germany
NINO-Hochbau Competence Center
Nordhorn, Germany
SoN – Center for Soft Nanoscience
Münster, Germany
Rüsselsheim a. M., Germany
SOS Children's Village
Düsseldorf-Garrath, Germany