
Dürig AG


Fribourg, Switzerland, 2011

Gerber Architekten

U Centre for Arts and Creativity

Dortmund, Germany, 2010

With its new ‘vertical’ – i.e. the ground-to-roof – entrance atrium the size of the U-Tower’s volume (a former part of the Union Brewery)...

Zooey Braun

International Forums Palace

Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan

Innenarchitekt: Ippolito Fleitz Group

Lanz Architekten


Pucheim, Germany, 1999

Der langgestreckte Baukörper steht vermittelnd im Spannungsfeld zwischen dem angrenzenden öffentlichen Grünzug und dem Vorplatz des evang...

Gramazio & Kohler

Dance House

Zürich, Switzerland, 2007

Changes in use had transformed the former electricity substation structurally and formally several times in its 100-year history. Recentl...


Riverside Clubhouse - Folded Farnsworth

Yancheng, China, 2010

The clubhouse is located on one side of a river in Yancheng, surrounded by a park and sports field. The extended horizon, sky, water, isl...

Atelier 100s+1

Art Center of Huangmei Opera

Anqing, China, 2005

Project Name: Art Center of Huangmei Opera Location: Anqing, Anhui Building Area: 5.90...


Bærum Cultural Center

Sandvika, Norway, 2003

The Bærum Cultural Center is built in an exciting town centre site next to A. Haukelands Plaza. The building forms the focal point of an ...


Civic centre Offenburg

Offenburg, Germany, 2009

Der bestehende Klinkerbau der Messehalle blieb weitgehend erhalten. Prägend ist das neue Vordach, das sich auch über das große Foyer und ...

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