
SoHo Architektur

Haus im Althardt

Memmingen, Germany, 2009

SoHo Architektur

Bru 1.25

Bayern, Germany, 2007

Das Wohnhaus für 125.000.- Euro wurde für zwei Bewohner mit einer Wohnfläche von 90m2 konzipiert. Die Entscheidungen, zur ...

SoHo Architektur


Lautrach, Germany, 2008

Auf kleinem Grundstück inmitten des dicht bebauten Wohngebietes in Lautrach bildet das Haus B-Hub zusammen mit Garage und einem 3x3x...

SoHo Architektur


München, Germany, 2009

ed.ot München, 2009 © SoHo Architektur

SoHo Architektur


Rothmoos, Germany, 2010

Die Transformation der "Sauna"... der Anbau an ein altes Bauernhaus wird energetisch saniert. In diesem Zug wird die Wohnfl&aum...

urbanplus / stefan kurath

Einfamilienhaus I

Switzerland, 2007

2005 - 2007 / Direktauftrag / Architektur: Iseppi-Kurath GmbH / Ivano Iseppi, Stefan Kurath / Bauherrschaft: privat Rollstuhl...

Simon Wegener



Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates

House in Katsuyama

Okayama, Japan, 2007

Photos: Akira Sakamoto Architect & Associates-CASA

merkli degen architekten

Single Family House in Zurich

Zurich, Switzerland, 2010

Rebuilding of a single-family house with studio apartment . Year of completion: 2010


Double-Ex House

For Hometta, USA, 2009

From a distance, Double Ex* House has the simple iconic profile and material quality of a barn. But, as one approaches, a dominant sculpt...


Villa-Villa / Ordos 100

Ordos, Inner Mongolia, Mongolia, 2009

This 10,000 sq. ft. villa is part of the Ordos 100 project, in which 100 international architects are each designing a villa in a new cit...

Titus Bernhard Architekten

House M Grünwald

München, Germany, 2008

Das Haus ist eine Weiterentwicklung von Haus 9x9. Die Besonderheit des Grundstücks liegt in seinem Nordhang, der über zwei Geschosse über...

Oppenheim Architecture + Design

House on a Dune

Harbour Island, Bahamas, West Indies, Bahamas

Harbour Island is a relaxed yet luxurious getaway perched in the surreal cerulean waters of the Atlantic edge of the Great Bahama bank. I...

Ippolito Fleitz Group – Identity Architects

House with courtyard

Tachkent, Uzbekistan

Ippolito Fleitz Group – Identity Architects

Haus F

Denkendorf, Germany, 2008

The view from the L-shaped panoramic window over the 900 year old village of Denkendorf, with its abbey in the centre, attracts everyone‘...


Four Houses

Thüringen, Germany, 2008

"Wohnen, Wasser, Wartburgblick" Entgegen der anhaltenden Zersiedelung der Stadtränder mit Einfamil...


new building at horn

Weimar, Germany, 2004

Der Wunsch, die Vorzüge eines Stadthauses mit dem Charakter eines Ferienhauses zu vereinen, war der Grundgedanke für den Entwur...


Private Residental Building in Selb

Selb, Germany, 2008

A new frame for the old house reconstruction of a private residental building in Selb. The house,built in 1956, had to be reconstructed. ...

Anahita Spitznagel - Doongaji

Innenrenovation und Umbau von einem Landhaus im…

Kanton Aargau, Switzerland, 2010

Der Umbau dieser zweigeschossigen, architektonisch ansprechenden Villa beschränkte sich vorwiegend auf das Obergeschoss. Im Erdgeschoss w...

Platform for Architecture + Research

M House

Los Angeles, USA, 2011

This residential commission is situated in a canyon near the Hollywood Sign and Griffith Observatory where there already exists a contemp...

Heupel GmbH

Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Strathmann

Münster, Germany, 2010

Cary Bernstein | Architect

Eureka Valley Residence

San Francisco, CA, USA, 2007

The renovation of a 1908 craftsman’s cottage and detached garage was completed in 3 phases between1999-2006. Work included interior renov...


Floating Box House

Austin, Texas, USA, 2006

Standing amid a grove of two hundred landmarked live oaks, significant portions of this house were built below grade to maintain the rura...

Kaundbe Architekten

Turmhaus Düsel

Buchs-Räfis, Switzerland, 2006

Marques Architekten AG

Einfamilienhaus Meggen

Meggen, Switzerland, 2005

Das Projekt zeichnet mit einem senkrecht zum Hang gestelltem Volumen die Topografie nach und bezieht sich mit der terrassenförmigen Gesta...

Müller & Truniger

EFH Negri

Frutigen, Switzerland, 2006

Erst auf den zweiten Blick springt die ungewöhnliche Figur des Chalets ins Auge: Was andernorts ein zweistöckiges Haupthaus mit einem fla...

Piechota Architecture

Otter Cove

Carmel, USA, 2008

On a rocky, craggy edge of the California coast overlooking the Pacific Ocean, Otter Cove rises up as an outcropping of the landscape tha...

Piechota Architecture

Division Knoll

Big Sur, USA, 1997

Stretching boldly across a verdant hill, the architecture of Division Knoll sits somewhere between pavilion and home, its glass volumes b...

HHF architects

Tsai Residence

Ancram, New York, USA, 2008

The Tsai Residence is a weekend house designed for two young art collectors. The design is based on a simple abstract figure sitting almo...

Najjar & Najjar

Villa A

Linz, Austria, 2009

A young entrepreneur purchased a stretch of land on the slopes of Poestling Berg, a mountain overlooking Linz, the capital of Upper Austr...


SUED.SEE - Single family house

Jois, Austria, 2002

The construction is located along a south-western slope and its width is completely open diagonally, southwards to the lake. The northern...

baurmann.dürr architekten

Wohnhaus in Maximiliansau

Wörth-Maximiliansau, Germany, 2006

Ein einfaches, fast archaisch anmutendes Wohnhaus – längsrechteckig, achsialsymmetrisch, geschlossen nach Norden, offen nach Süden. Das k...

Philipp Architekten BDA // Anna Philipp

Villa Bisig

Sihlsee, Switzerland, 2006

Architecture Close to Nature At first the access road leads 500 meters through the forest before you get sight of the house and the mo...

Philipp Architekten BDA // Anna Philipp

Villa Philipp

Waldenburg, Germany, 2005

In harmony with nature The challenge of House Philipp was primarily determined by the striking location on a small mountain ridge, off...

Alexander Brenner Architects

House Robo

Stuttgart, Germany, 1999

This plot is situated on a hillside next to a historic steep path, which leads from the inner city to the northerly, formerly rural commu...

Alexander Brenner Architects

House Dornhalde

Stuttgart, Germany, 2004

This plot, which is situated on a steep slope, was created by multiple subdivisions of a formerly large overall site. For many years, the...

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