
Hugo Kohno Architect Associates


Tokyo, Japan, 2015

Nicola Probst Architetti


Lugano, Switzerland, 2020

The property is located inside the urban fabric in a densely populated neighborhood. The property is occupied by an old two-floors house ...


Wohnüberbauung „Unterm Stallen“

Oberwil BL, Switzerland, 2016

Drei siebengeschossige, nach Süden hin auf sechs, bzw. fünf Etagen abgestufte Baukörper stehen auf dem Grundstück. Du...


Holzpavillon Erweiterung WSJ 42 | Novartis…

Basel, Switzerland, 2016

Der Prototyp des Holzmodulsystems wurde 2016 für die Firma Novartis erstellt: Es sollte ein temporärer, eingeschossiger Bü...

DUPLEX architekten AG

Zukunft Wohnen

Köln, Germany, 2015

In einem von der Stadt Köln ausgeschriebenen Werkstattverfahren wurden Ideen zur städtischen Nachverdichtung und zu neuen Wohnkonzepten g...

Fischer Architekten AG

High-Rise Building Birmensdorferstrasse

Zurich, Switzerland, 2022

Best Architects 24 Award – A small high-rise building is erected at the apex of two main urban axes. The precise positioning of the volum...

Auer Weber

Kurfürsten Square

Heidelberg, Germany, 2014

The city blocks MK2 and MK3, standing next to each other, form an important part of the urban restructuring along Kurfürstenanlage road. ...



Berlin, München, Wien, Hamburg, Germany, 2014

The creation of compact living space in urban centres will be one of the greatest challenges of the future. For the SMARTments living con...

Baumberger & Stegmeier AG

Segantini apartment building

Zürich-Höngg, Switzerland, 2010

The property is situated in an attractive location on the Hönggerberg with a view over the city and the mountains. The single-family home...

Baumberger & Stegmeier AG

Am Katzenbach III residential development

Zürich-Seebach, Switzerland, 2013

The Seebach district has its roots in the ideas of the garden city. The replacement buildings for the Am Katzenbach residential developme...

Baumberger & Stegmeier AG

Toblerstrasse housing estate

Zurich-Fluntern, Switzerland, 2017

The Fluntern neighbourhood is characterised by a homogenous urban-planning grain of free-standing buildings in gardens, which have a pres...

Baumberger & Stegmeier AG

Schwamendinger Dreieck housing estate

Zurich-Schwamendingen, Switzerland, 2023

The district of Schwamendingen, which was planned as a garden city by A. H. Steiner around 1948, still has its relevance today and retain...

Baumberger & Stegmeier AG

Witikonerstrasse housing development

Zurich-Witikon, Switzerland, 2020

Housing development with 38 apartments Project competition in 2015, 1. prize Construction 2016–2020

Baumberger & Stegmeier AG

Lokstadt Winterthur

Winterthur, Switzerland, 2021

New buildings with commercial spaces and 300 apartments In cooperation with KilgaPopp Architekten Project competition in 2016, 1. ...

Baumberger & Stegmeier AG

Am Chatzebach housing development

Muri, Switzerland, 2019

The local monastery complex in Muri is the community’s definitive characteristic, from where the roads, paths and building structures rad...

GFA Gruppe für Architektur GmbH

Wohnsiedlung Kehlhof

Zürich, Switzerland, 2013

Die in den 1970er Jahren erstellte städtische Überbauung Kehlhof befindet sich heute in einem stark sanierungsbedürftigen ...

Ludloff Ludloff Architekten

Wohnen und Arbeiten

Berlin-Kreuzberg, Germany, 2019

Das Grundstück liegt in einem großzügigen Innenhof an der Nahtstelle zwischen extrem verdichteter gründerzeitlicher Bebauung und notdürft...

Ludloff Ludloff Architekten

Zukunft Wohnen

Köln-Holweide, Germany, 2019

Möglichkeitsräume für die Kinder der Moderne Mit unseren Vorschlägen zur Entwicklung der Bestandssiedlung an der Piccoloministraße in Köl...

Aebi & Vincent

Wohnüberbauung Hertenbrünnen

Schliern bei Köniz, Switzerland, 2014

Schliern bei Köniz war ursprünglich ein kleiner Weiler, der durch die Überbauungen seit den 1970er-Jahren seinen Charakter...

Baumberger & Stegmeier AG

Am Katzenbach IV residential development

Zürich-Seebach, Switzerland, 2019

The cooperative residential district of Am Katzenbach is traversed lengthwise by two streets and thus divided urbanistically into three d...

Baumberger & Stegmeier AG

Brüggliäcker housing estate

Zürich-Schwamendingen, Switzerland, 2014

The Brüggliäcker Housing Estate is located in the area between Oerlikon and Schwamendingen where a small-scale district of single-family ...

Baumberger & Stegmeier AG

Guggach residential development

Zürich, Switzerland, 2015

The Guggach residential development lies on the saddle between the Zurichberg and Käferberg hills, at the urban juncture between downtown...

Aebi & Vincent

Wohnüberbauung Labo Golette

Meyrin, Switzerland, 2016

Die Anlage der beiden Wohngebäude ist durch die Linien und Volumen der bestehenden Baukörper im Quartier ebenso bestimmt wie du...

Fougeron Architecture

400 Grove

San Francisco, USA, 2016

400 Grove introduces 34 residences in the heart of Hayes Valley, continuing the neighborhood’s rise as a vital, walkable neighborho...

Hiroyuki Ito Architects

Sakuranoki Apartment

Tokyo, Japan, 2010

Program: Terraced House Total Area: 184.28 ㎡ Building Area: 107.65 ㎡ Total Floor Area: 269.27 ㎡

Hiroyuki Ito Architects

Shimokita Apartment

Tokyo, Japan, 2010

Program: Terraced House Total Area: 145.74 ㎡ Building Area: 72.42 ㎡ Total Floor Area: 200.81 ㎡

Hiroyuki Ito Architects


Tokyo, Japan, 2011

Program: Housing Complex Total Area: 116.99㎡ Building Area: 86.26㎡ Total Floor Area: 395.21㎡

Hiroyuki Ito Architects


Tokyo, Japan, 2014

Program: Housing Complex Total Area: 237.64 ㎡ Building Area: 129.04 ㎡ Total Floor Area: 456.65 ㎡...

Hiroyuki Ito Architects

Hotel & Residence Roppongi

Tokyo, Japan, 2012

Program: Hotel, Housing Complex, shop Total Area:  1098.23㎡ Building Area: 715.15㎡ Total Floor Area: ...

Hiroyuki Ito Architects


Tokyo, Japan, 2015

Program: Housing Complex Total Area: 266.08 ㎡ Building Area: 159.37 ㎡ Total Floor Area: 625.28 ㎡

Hiroyuki Ito Architects

Tatsumi Apartment House

Tokyo, Japan, 2016

The site faces not only a wide street with heavy traffic but also a subway station. We thought wasn’t appropriate to adopt steel structu...


Gesamtsanierung und Aufstockung Wohn- und…

Zürich-Aussersihl , Switzerland, 2012

Zur Wertsteigerung und zur sozialen Durchmischung wurde das Gebäude mit einem Attikageschoss aufgestockt. Durch das Zusammenlegen mi...

P.GOOD Praschl-Goodarzi Architekten ZT GmbH

Residential Housing Vienna 1030

Vienna, Austria, 2015

The design achieves optimum light from the south – despite the dense development of the area – and the structures are surroun...

P.GOOD Praschl-Goodarzi Architekten ZT GmbH

Residential Construction and Restoration

Vienna, Austria, 2019

The project will include block renewal and gutting the center courtyard, renovation of the base of the building, attic space conversion a...

P.GOOD Praschl-Goodarzi Architekten ZT GmbH

Residential Housing Vienna 1120

Vienna, Austria, 2021

Interventions - Shielding the noisy street space - Orienting the apartments toward quiet green space - Peaceful gree...

P.GOOD Praschl-Goodarzi Architekten ZT GmbH

Multi-story Wooden Residential Building, Vienna…

Vienna, Austria, 2013

One of the few multi-story wooden residential buildings to be built in Vienna was designed by P.GOOD architects. The project, on the them...

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