
on 14.01.09

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on 13.01.09

Die Widmung gab dem Hochhaus seine Form vor: eine Ellipse mit 70 Metern Längsdurchmesser auf einem 65 Meter tiefen, fast quadratischen Sockel. Die Architekten Neumann + Partner und das Büro ARTEC lösten die Rundung in polygonale Segmente auf und entwickelten eine komplexe Fassade...

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on 14.12.08

この家には、デッキが4か所ある。見晴らしのいい屋上デッキでは食事をしたり、お風呂上がりに涼んだり、夫がビールを持って上がってきたり。3階海側の デッ キはDKと一体化した空間。庭の樹木が枝を伸ばし、自然も身近だ。

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on 03.12.08

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on 24.11.08

When Heinz Tesar's museum for the Essl Collection was opened in Klosterneuburg, near Vienna nine years ago it was Austria's first newly built private museum and seemed likely to long remain the only one of its kind. However a worthy successor soon came along in the form of the Liaunig...

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on 08.11.08

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on 07.10.08

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on 20.07.08

The CEIEPAA animal production teaching and research center is located along the highway just five miles out of Tequisquiapan, Querétaro, on the way to Bernal, on a 147-hectare stretch of ranchland.

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on 30.06.08

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on 25.06.08

Sportpark Wörtherseestadion“wurde das neue Stadion in Klagenfurt zunächst getauft, das mit Fußballakademie, Ballsportkompetenzzentrum, Büros und vermietbaren Event-Locations weit mehr ist als nur ein Stadion. Eine lange Rampe zelebriert den Aufstieg in diese Arena des...

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on 27.05.08

Hagenberg is a small community with an old castle and a large software park. Architects Pichler & Traupmann have given it a "new centre". They have designed a striking functional building located on a looping road where all routes cross.

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on 19.05.08

We started from the idea of recovering a typology which has barely been tried out in Barcelona: the “Mediterranean” block of Antonio Bonet, a hybrid which seeks not so much to break the rules of Cerdá as to explore the potential of untested zoning regulations,...

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on 23.04.08

The Mountain Dwellings are the second generation of the VM Houses. The program is 2/3 parking and 1/3 living. Rather than doing two separate buildings, we decided to merge parking and housing into a symbiotic relationship. All apartments have roof gardens facing the sun, amazing views, and...

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on 31.03.08

The two projects presented here are part of Iniciativa Elemental, a Doing Tank associated with the Compañía de Petróleos de Chile (COPEC) and the Universidad Católica. We focus on designing and implementing lowcost urban public housing projects. As...

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on 26.03.08

Together with Wolfram Mehlem and Jesper Bork Wolfgang Tschapeller has built an exceptional house in St Andrä/Wördern, close to the Danube The sharp-edged spatial tube made of fair-faced concrete hovers lightly on an elevated foundation above the expanse of the plain. Freely shaped...

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on 14.03.08

Things are there and one doesn't notice them until one day one's gaze slips and one sees, explores, and is dazzled. That's how it was for me with La Oca, which wasn't La Oca but actually the Aeronautical Museum (formerly Palacio de las Artes), which I hadn't noticed, even...

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on 26.02.08

The point of departure for the workshop was that buildings can no longer be conceived as complexes of functional packages. The self-sufficiency of the design needs a formal generation process, separate from the classic concept of architectural space. And although the analogy seems simple, the...

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on 19.02.08

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on 19.02.08

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on 16.02.08

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on 15.01.08

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on 07.01.08

In Hadersdorf, am äußersten westlichen Rand Wiens, wurde kürzlich nach mehrjährigen Verzögerungen die Mustersiedlung „9=12“ eröffnet. Architekt Adolf Krischanitz...

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on 31.12.07

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on 27.12.07

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on 17.12.07

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on 10.12.07

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on 04.12.07

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on 28.11.07

Entertainment durchdringt alle Lebensbereiche. Was früher auf den Kulturbereich beschränkt war, ist heute auch in der Industrie zum unverzichtbaren Instrument geworden. Produkte werden emotionalisiert und inszeniert – längst nicht mehr bloß, um sie zu verkaufen, sondern...

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on 03.11.07

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on 25.10.07

Mit langem  Atem und viel Innovationssinn bauten die Architekten Franz Sam und Irene Ott-Reinisch den komplexen Schulbestand in Waidhofen an der Ybbs zum multifunktionalen Schulzentrum aus und um. Der Altbau wurde unterfangen, im felsigen Grund daneben fand der große, neue Turnsaal...

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on 25.10.07

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on 14.10.07

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on 30.09.07

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on 22.09.07

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on 10.09.07

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on 04.09.07

Gentrification can occasionally foster good design rather than vulgar excess. As the humble cottages on narrow lots in Venice rise past the $1 million mark, the challenge for architects is to satisfy the expectations of new buyers without destroying the character of the community. Inevitably,...

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