
Spasm Design Architects

Mandvi House

India, 2016

Being the birth place and sacred hometown of the family, in Kutch – Gujarat, Mandvi holds a special place in the hearts of the clients. S...

Spasm Design Architects


Ahmedabad, India, 2016

Ahmedabad, is predominantly dry through the year, though it does rain occasionally during monsoon months, from late June to August. The c...

Spasm Design Architects


India, 2016

The Stone, beneath the sky, stood cold – Between the runes, a vapour strolled ...a cloak of fleecy fog consoled - The Quest, Terry O’Lea...

Spasm Design Architects

Colaba Apartment

Mumbai, India, 2012

Located in Colaba, South Bombay, this 3000 square foot apartment, is located in a church property. Built around 85 years ago, the structu...

Spasm Design Architects

House Of Liquid Stone

India, 2013

A second home on a rocky outcrop at the start of the western ghats (highlands),Khopoli, in Maharashtra, India. An area of high precipita...

Spasm Design Architects

House Of Secret Gardens

Ahmedabad, India, 2018

This is a private home in Ahmedabad, is an expression in Dhrangadhra stone. The stone used in many of the architectural antiquities of Ah...


Villa am Zürichsee

Am Zürichsee, Svizzera, 2017

Das gesamte Ensemble, bestehend aus Villa, Ökonomiegebäude und einer klassischen Gartenanlage mit zwei Gartenpavillons steht unter Denkma...

rimpf Architektur & Generalplanung

Stadtvilla in Klein Flottbek

Hamburg, Germania, 2017

Hamburg hat als Stadt zwischen Elbe und Alster sehr viel Grün im Stadtgebiet. In einem westlichen der zentrumsnahen Hamburger Villengegen...

Tschander.Keller architekten

Um- und Anbau EFH

Svizzera, 2008

Tschander.Keller architekten

Neubau Einfamilienhaus

Svizzera, 2013

Alder Clavuot Nunzi Architekten

Casa Carnella

Soglio, Svizzera, 2017

Innerhalb einer bestehenden Quartierplanung westlich des Dorfkerns von Soglio galt es ein einfaches Wohnhaus am Hang zu bauen. Dessen Lag...

NKS architects

Folded Roof House

Fukuoka, Japan, 2015

häberli heinzer steiger architekten

Umbau Bauernhaus Stockistrasse

Glattfelden, Svizzera, 2014

Das denkmalgeschützte Flarzbauernhaus aus dem 18. Jahrhundert umfasst auf drei Etagen Wohnteil, Tenn und Stall. Der Umbau nimmt das beste...


Wohnhaus in München

München, Germania, 2016

Auch auf engstem Raum perfekt in Szene gesetzt – Lichtlinien von Luxsystem. Wände und Decken aus roh gelassenem Sichtbeton bestimmen den ...


Umbau und Aufstockung Reiheneinfamilienhaus

Münchenstein, Svizzera, 2017

Das grosszügige 1978 von den Architekten Alioth+Remund erbaute, auf einem grossen Grundstück liegende Haus wurde “halbiert“, aufgestockt ...

Hayato Komatsu Architects

House in Shunan

Shunan, Japan, 2018

MIDE architetti

Single House Montebelluna

Montebelluna, Italia, 2018

Single House -new construction

MIDE architetti

Single House Fiesso d'Artico

Fiesso d'Artico, Italia, 2017

The project takes place within a large parcel in Fiesso d’Artico, a little village along the bankside area of the Brenta River, also call...

MIDE architetti

Renovation of a Detached House

Abano Terme, Italia, 2015

MIDE architetti

Renovation of a Rural House

Lucca, Italia, 2015

The project site involves an old country house, built in 1887 in the immediate neighborhood of Lucca and a most recent farmhand’s cottage...

Schmidt Holzinger Innenarchitekten

Wohnung Beethovenstraße

Frankfurt am Main, Germania, 2016

Die Wohnung befindet sich in der Beletage eines Stadthauses im Frankfurter Westend. Stilmerkmale der Gründerzeit sind in der Wohnung jedo...

Schmidt Holzinger Innenarchitekten


Königstein, Germania, 2013

Das Haus ist am Waldrand gelegen. Bodentiefe Schiebefenster öffnen den Wohnraum zum weitläufigen Garten. Gegenüber der üppigen Gartenvege...

Schmidt Holzinger Innenarchitekten


Frankfurt am Main, Germania, 2012

130 Jahre lang hat dieses Wohnhaus im Frankfurter Westend seinen Altbaucharme bewahrt, obwohl mit den Jahren so manches Stilmerkmal aus d...

sandy brunner Architecture

Two houses Begur

Begur, Spain, 2006

Nestled in terraces In this house, designed by E. Puig Noguerol and Sandy Brunner, adaptation to the environment is achieved through vol...



BUSTO ARSIZIO, Italia, 2015

Il progettodi ristrutturazione, interessa un fabbricato dei primi anni del novecento, collocato ai margini del tesstuto urbano consolidat...



BOMPORTO, Italia, 2016

L'intervento interessa un vecchio fienile parzialmente danneggiato dal sisma. Un massiccio intervento strutturale ha reso il fabbricato ...

Scandurra Studio

Uptown - Complesso residenziale Cascina Merlata

Milano, Italia, 2018

UpTown è il primo smart district di Milano, una città nella città in cui trovano spazio i temi della sostenibilità, della mobilità green,...

Baier Bischofberger Architekten


Zürich, Svizzera, 2017

Studio DiDeA

Casa A157

Palermo, Italia, 2016

L’amore per il minimalismo giapponese insieme all’innata attitudine all’arte dell’ospitalità, è la lettura in controluce dell’ultimo prog...

Studio DiDeA

Casa A236

Palermo, Italia, 2016

Lo studio DiDeA ha ridisegnato gli interni di un attico affacciato sul porto di Palermo. L’appartamento presenta uno spazio ampio ed arti...


casa CS

Italia, 2015

Alta su una collina, in un insediamento residenziale di cui fa parte anche una piccola chiesa, la casa si trova in un luogo paesaggistica...


la casa di Andrea

Italia, 2015

Un rapido e sintetico schizzo del portico d’ingresso della casa è nato istintivamente dopo il primo sopralluogo. Quasi per necessità. Vo...

Studio DiDeA

Existenz Minimum Casa A223

Palermo, Italia, 2017

Studio DiDeA ha trasformato un vecchio laboratorio artigianale in un palazzo storico nel cuore di Palermo, in un piccolo loft, una “casa ...


D House

Treviso, Italia, 2017

An interior renovation is an operation that has now become procedure within the regenerative process of envelope-buildings. It requires a...

Paradigm Design House

The Grey House

Amman, Jordan, 2018

This private villa is situated in Dabouq, on a site surrounded by private residential villas with one side having stand of trees that are...

Paradigm Design House

DA Farmhouse

Jerash, Jordan, 2013

The site on which this modern farmhouse was built lies on a sloped land, overlooking the open hills of Tal Al-Rumman and King Talal dam. ...

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