
khosla associates

Reddy House

Hyderabad, India, 2009

The Reddy house responds directly to the topography of the site on which it is constructed. The site, in upmarket Jubilee Hills in Hyder...

RMA Architects

House in a Tea Garden

Conoor, India, 2008

Set in a tea plantation, the house was designed to minimize the impact of its footprint on the landscape. Several inexpensive mock-ups we...

Dive Architects

Mews House

London, Great Britain, 2009

A converted mews house off Oxford Street retaining only the surrounding outer brick walls. The ground floor was formerly used as a five-s...

House : 32 Royal Enclave

Bangalore, India, 2009

The brief of “each floor to a family within a family” was translated into four movement patterns that are interlinked two way...

House : 83/84 Rukshmani

Navsari, India, 2005

The project was done in collaboration with Sachin Bandukwala. The wide plot on east-west axis was used to its best advanta...

House : 01 Ajit

Navsari, India

A clear brief of accommodating all the activities in less than half of the land and the rest to be left for the greens placed the focus o...

House : 89 Adarsh

Surat, India, 2010

The house per say is elevated due to high flood levels of the river close by, leaving lower spaces for parking, services, home office and...



Neuss, Germania, 2006

Der Getreidesiloturm ist 1963 entstanden. Es handelt sich um ein einfaches zweckbestimmtes Gebäude, dass mit mehreren Lagerhallen ein kle...

Labo Design Studio

Grenadine Islands Pavilions

St. Vincent and Grenadines, 2016

Three pavilions, as three sails, are placed on the side of a hill overlooking the ocean. Their tilting down front facades ...

Labo Design Studio

Greenwich Village Townhouse

New York, USA, 2010

The project is the remodeling of a five floors townhouse in the Greenwich Village in NYC. The domestic landscape becomes a...

Labo Design Studio

Hampton Bays Villa

Hampton Bays, NY, USA, 2012

The property consists of a high bluff overlooking the bay on one side and a natural pond surrounded by flat lawns stretching back to the ...

Labo Design Studio

Upper East Side Townhouse

New York, USA, 2011

The project is the renovation of a brownstone in the New York Upper East Side. Every floor has been emptied of all middle ...

Atelier Thomas Pucher

Villa SK

Graz, Austria, 2011

Atelier Thomas Pucher has realized Villa SK, a private commission for the extension of a single family house, located in Graz, Austria.

mbb architekten


Tbilisi, Georgia, 2011

Das Grundstück auf einer Anhöhe der Stadt Tibilissi gibt einen erhabenen Blick auf die Stadt und das hügelige Umland frei....

mbb architekten

Einfamilienhaus am Walensee

Weesen, Svizzera, 2012

Das Grundstück hat direkten Seeanstoss zum Walensee und besticht durch den gewaltigen Blick auf See und mächtige Berge. Diese A...

The Turett Collaborative

Charles Street Townhouse

New York, USA, 2012

The four story townhouse at 67 Charles is situated on a charming tree lined block in the heart of the original Greenwich Village Historic...

The Turett Collaborative

2 No Moore

New York City, USA, 2009

While Wayne Turett had been developing feasibility studies for this site, a charming and well-loved corner of West Broadway, the present ...

BGS & Partner Architekten AG

Umbau Stadtvilla Frauenfeld

Frauenfeld, Svizzera, 2007

Das Haus hat uns bereits bei der ersten Besichtigung sehr gut gefallen», erinnert sich die Bauherrin, «es strahlte Wärme aus. Und obwohl ...

khosla associates

Orange House

Bangalore, India, 2012

The house designed for the Architects brother Manoviraj, his wife Vedika and daughter Ahaana, derives its form from a generous L shaped c...

Arnold und Gladisch

Zwei Einfamilienhäuser am Fichtenberg

Berlin, Germania, 2007

Die beiden Einfamilienhäuser befinden sich in innerstädtischer Wohnlage in Berlin-Steglitz nahe dem Botanischen Garten. Die weißen kubisc...

Architekten LEE+MIR

Casa Murano

Stuttgart, Germania, 2009

Am Rande von Stuttgart an einem Hang gelegen erscheint die Villa Casa Murano als kubischer, dreigeschossiger Baukörper mit plastisch gegl...

Architekten LEE+MIR

Golden Gate

Waiblingen, Germania, 2010

Erbaut in Waiblingen auf einem Hanggrundstück, das auf der Gartenseite durch die abfallende Kante eines ehemaligen Steinbruchs begrenzt w...

Architekten LEE+MIR


Stuttgart, Germania, 2008

In den siebziger Jahren erbaut, wurde der an den Stuttgarter Weinbergen stehende Bungalow in ein Einfamilienhaus mit großen, hellen Räume...

Architekten LEE+MIR

Villa in den Weinbergen

Stuttgart, Germania, 2007

Direkt in den Weinbergen am Rande von Stuttgart gelegen, wurde die zweigeschossige, kubische Villa leicht in den flach abfallenden Hang g...

HHF Architects

House D

Nuglar, Svizzera, 2011

The view from House D is one of a kind. You might imagine you're in South America or upstate New York; it is hard to believe that Basel i...

HHF Architects

Guesthouse Ancram

Ancram, New York, USA, 2011

Three years after completion of their main house, the owners of the Tsai Residence approached the HHF team and Ai Weiwei to commission a ...


Möbius House

Het Gooi, Paesi Bassi, 1998

With its low-slung, elongated outlines the private house forms a link between the different features of the surroundings; the spatial loo...

Hemprich Tophof Architekten

Haus N

Hoppegarten, Germania, 2001

Ein konsequent kubischer Baukörper war nach baurechtlichen Vorgaben schwierig zu genehmigen, nichtsdestotrotz entstand ein Gebäude ganz n...

Hemprich Tophof Architekten

Städtebauliche Entwicklung „Fontanepark“

Berlin, Germania, 2010

Städtebaulicher Entwurf für ein Wohnquartier als Grundlage zum B-Plan Verfahren. Vor dem Hintergrund der heterogenen Stadtstruktur wird d...

Skaara Arkitekter AS


Oslo, Norway, 2011

Total renovation of an existing private house, based on the original ground floor plan. The attic has been replaced with a completely new...

Skaara Arkitekter AS


Snarøya, Norway, 2007

A longstretched two-story private house shielded from the road by a small narrow ridge. Private rooms are placed on the lower level, givi...

Skaara Arkitekter AS

Cabin Buholmen

Kragerø, Norway, 2008

The cottage replaces an old cabin and is supplemented with a new outhouse and jetty. The buildings two volumes separate li...

Skaara Arkitekter AS

Two private residences in Jarveien

Jar, Norway, 2010

Two detached single family houses on a steep slope overlooking the Oslofjord in the distance. Both buildings are designed ...

Brauchli Ziegelei / Ziegelei Landquart

Backsteinhaus in Holz

Stein, Svizzera

Backsteinhaus in Holz – Minergie-Standard mit Backstein Das Haus von Architektin Eva Louis und ihrem Mann Nick liegt im appenzellischen ...

Eberle & Eisfeld

Haus Feser

Eberle & Eisfeld, Germania, 2012

Arch.: Büro für Konstruktivismus

FRES architectes

23 dwellings

Béthune, Francia, 2012

The project is situated in the district of Mont-Liébaut, in the outskirts of Béthune, in a district registered on the program of the Nati...

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