South Song Museum conceptual planning and design
Hangzhou, China
The South Song Museum conceptual planning and design is to create the South Song Imperial Ruin as a model of China's great Ruin conse...
Marble Fairbanks
Glen Oaks Branch Library
Glen Oaks, New York, アメリカ, 2013
Glen Oaks Branch Library replaces an existing one story facility with a new 18,000sf high performance, LEED certified building located at...
Hans Hohenfellner
Brand, オーストリア, 1997
Bauherr: Gemeinde Brand Planer: DI Arch.Hans Hohenfellner Mitarbeit: DI Josef Nachbaur-Sturm Daten We...
東京, 日本, 2007
cheret bozic architekten bda dwb
Wettbewerb Gewandhaus
Dresden, ドイツ, 2007
Ein halbes Jahrhundert nach dem Dresdener Trauma der Zerstörung soll die „europäische Stadt“ wieder erstehen. Diese ist vielfältig und im...
静岡, 日本, 2002
紙のメーカーの展示、開発、販促の場としての資料館。美術館(A館)とギャラリー(B館)に分 かれている。美術館は単純な正方形のプランを3等分し、庭の景観を楽しめる南側にオフィス機能を、北側に展示空間を配し、その間を3層吹き抜けのアトリ...
Hou Liang Architecture
The Earth Memorial
Sichuan, China, 2008
Time: 2008.06 Location: Sichuan, China Building area:10,492 m2 The Great Earth Memorial —&mdash...
in+of architecture
Museum of Mao Badges
Anren, China, 2004
Located in Anren County in the near suburbs of Chengdu, Jianchuan Museum Precinct is a cluster of multi-purpose buildings developed...
DnA Design and Architecture
Ordos Art Museum
Ordos City, China, 2007
Ordos Art Museum is the first building of Ordos new civic center on a stretch of sand dunes along lake that is dedicated as “public...
DGJ Architektur
140 l'obelisque
Frankfurt am Main, ドイツ, 2013
Die Fraport AG plant während der Bauzeit des Terminal 3 einen Aussichtsturm zu errichten, der einen Überblick über eine der größten Baust...
栃木, 日本, 2006
Hertig Noetzli | Architekten
Erweiterung Orientierungsschule
Wünnewil, スイス, 2008
Das Projekt für die Erweiterung der OS Wünnewil lässt sich in 4 Teile gliedern: Orientierungsschule: (Aufstockung, ...
Krueck Sexton Partners
Spertus Institute
Chicago, IL, アメリカ, 2007
The Spertus Institute selected Krueck+Sexton to design a signature architectural statement about the nature of Jewish culture and learnin...
Amateur Architecture Studio
Ningbo Contemporary Art Museum
Ningbo, China, 2005
The project is located at the former “Bund” in Ningbo. The whole area undergoes a functional reconstruction, because the form...
BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group
XPO, Danish Pavilion EXPO 2010
Shanghai, China, 2010
The Danish pavilion in Shanghai EXO 2010 videoclip BIG - bike tour on S...
Marble Fairbanks
New York, アメリカ, 2008
Flatform combines the constraints of material properties and pre manufactured sizes with the flexibility of digital production processes ...
kister scheithauer gross architekten und stadtplaner
Wernigerode, ドイツ, 2002
Ausgangssituation war ein aufgebrochenes Altstadtquartier, dessen typische Struktur mit Innenhöfen und Durchwegungen wieder zu vervollstä...
hammeskrause architekten
Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber
Dresden, ドイツ, 2008
Bei der Erweiterung der Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden handelt es sich um die Ergänzung von Übe- und Einspielräumen, e...
Hans Hohenfellner
Bartholomäberg, オーストリア, 2009
Bauherr: Gemeinde Bartholomäberg Planer: DI Arch. Hans Hohenfellner Mitarbeit: Msc.Arch. Sabine Tschofen Bauleitung: DI...
Brüssau Bauphysik
Galerie der Stadt Stuttgart / Kunstmuseum…
Stuttgart, ドイツ, 2004
Architekt Hascher Jehle Architektur BB Körperschall- und Schwingungsschutz der Exponate zum angrenzenden Verkehrstunnel Foto BB
Bekkering Adams Architecten (from 2020: studioADAMS and Juliette Bekkering architecten)
Bloemershof Communal buildings
Dieren, オランダ, 2010
With the completion of the Bloemershof, the municipality of Rheden has been enriched with a new, multifunctional urban ensemble with a st...
Nan Yue Wang Gong Museum
Guangzhou, China, 2008
The concept for this historical museum is to integrate the issues of historical site protection, building design and landscape design to ...
in+of architecture
Tiantai Museum
Tiantai, China, 2003
0ver the centuries, the coexistence of three religions - Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism - have enriched the landscapes surroundi...
Hertig Noetzli | Architekten
Neubau Mehrzweckhalle
Murgenthal, スイス, 2007
Ein scheinbar schwebendes, weit ausladendes Vordach holt den Besucher ab und führt ihn in den Foyerbereich. Dessen transparente L&au...
Studio Gang
Bengt Sjostrom Starlight Theatre
Rockford, アメリカ, 2003
The design of the 135,000 sf Starlight Theatre maintains the tradition of open–air performances at Rock Valley College while offeri...
Jingyuetan Poly Theater
Changchun, China, 2007
"Architecture is frozen music" being the thematic concept of the design, which metaphors and highlights the building's purp...
DnA Design and Architecture
Xiaopu Culture Center
Xiaopu, China
Located on an irregular former industrial lot in the wellknown art village Songzhuang with local courtyards around, Xiaopu Cultural Cente...
DnA Design and Architecture
Songzhuang Art Center
Beijing, China, 2006
As the first public art facility built in Songzhuang, the well-recognized contemporary chinese art village out of Beijing city, this Art ...
栃木, 日本, 2000
浮世絵師、安藤広重の作品を展示する美術館。 彼が木版画の中に作り上げた独特の空間構成を建築化しようと考えた。彼はレイヤーの重なりとして、三次元の空間を表現しようと試みた。西洋絵画におけるパースペクティブとは対照的な方法であり、この方法は印象派やフランク・ロ...
Krueck Sexton Partners
Crown Fountain
Chicago, IL, アメリカ, 2004
The award-winning Crown Fountain at Millennium Park was conceived as a 21st century fountain as an interactive public sculpture in a new ...
OMA - Office for Metropolitan Architecture
Casa Da Musica
Porto, Portugal, 2005
The past thirty years have seen frantic attempts by architects to escape the domination of the "shoe-box" concert hall. Rather ...