Galleria Comunale d'arte di Cagliari

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Cagliari, Italy

The proposal provides the extension of the current exhibition spaces through new pavilions distributed within an open-air sculpture garden and connected by a continuous gallery that allows access to the various internal rooms, opening at the same time towards the exhibition spaces on air.
The expansion consists of a path, a promenade, along which the open spaces alternate with the covered spaces, and the exhibition pavilions directly connected with the system of the Gardens. The promenade dissolves the limits between internal and external 'rooms', ensuring spatial continuity and complete integration with the surrounding landscape.
The spatial fluidity between the pavilions, the gallery and the garden is achieved thanks to a double system of movable walls which perform at the same time the function of a museographic support and an element of natural climate control, regulating the thermal and light flows and natural ventilation. between inside and outside. The bioclimatic aspect is a fundamental and integral aspect of the architectural and construction choices of the project, with the aim of ensuring optimal comfort requirements for users and adequate environmental conditions for the works of art.
The front of the exhibition space facing Viale San Vincenzo becomes the 'main facade' of the new artistic-exhibition and cultural circuit. Polished slabs of local stone are used as a finishing material for the internal and external facades and for the floors.

Other Projects by Arriola & Fiol

Casa Costa
Pujalt, Spain
Museu de la Música Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain
Parc Central de Nou Barris
Barcelona, Spain
La Rose de Cherbourg
Paris, France
Tres Habitatges Canonge 52 Alella
Alella, Spain