
Elias Baumgarten | 21.05.2019


In 2015, at the height of the refugee crisis, the platform “Architecture for Refugees” was launched. Its initiators are meanwhile thinking bigger and, under the catchy and memorable slogan “Architecture is a Human Right,” they are committed to bringing about fundamental change in the social...

John Hill | 06.02.2019


The curators of the 2019 Chicago Architecture Biennial — its third iteration — have release details on its theme: ...and other such stories.

Eduard Kögel | 11.07.2018

Building of the Week

2011 is considered the year when the urbanization rate in China exceeded the fifty per cent mark. Young people have been moving to cities because they cannot see a future in their rural places of their origin. As early as 2006, the National People’s Congress decided to introduce a...

John Hill | 26.04.2018


Forensic Architecture, the research agency based at University of London that architect Eyal Weizman started in 2011, has been named one of the four finalists for the Tate's prestigious Turner Prize.

John Hill | 14.06.2017


Architects and curators Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara have developed the theme Freespace for the 16th International Architecture Exhibition, which will take place in Venice from 26 May to 25 November 2018.

Manuel Herz | 15.03.2017


Humanitarianism – i.e. activities of support and benevolence amongst individuals – has at its core the belief that mankind is somehow united; that there is something that men and women, independent of gender, religion, race, age or nationality, living across the globe have in common....

John Hill | 25.01.2016


What does the selection of Alejandro Aravena as the 2016 Pritzker Architecture Prize laureate mean for the future of "architecture's Nobel"? World-Architects ponders the question and offers a handful of nominations for future Pritzker Prize juries to consider.

Hollmen Reuter Sandman Architects | 12.06.2015


Kilimanjaro Women Information Exchange and Consultancy Organization (KWIECO) was founded in 1987 in Moshi, Tanzania. It provides advice on legal, health, social and economic issues to women.


Building of the Week

In June 2013, Women for Women International opened the first-ever Women’s Opportunity Center in Kayonza, Rwanda, "to create economic opportunity and rebuild social infrastructure for women," according to the organization that began working in the country in 1997, three years...

John Hill | 13.04.2015


Gender equality in architecture has been an increasing concern in recent years, most overtly since Denise Scott Brown called for a retroactive Pritzker Prize in 2013. To get some impressions on the current state of women in the architecture profession, we surveyed eleven women-owned,...

John Hill | 30.09.2014


Alcatraz Island, site of a military fort, a federal prison, a Native American protest, and now a national park, plays host to new sculpture, sound, and mixed-media installations by Chinese artist Ai Weiwei.