
John Hill | 13.01.2022


A new McDonald's restaurant in Moscow is covered in mirrored glass panels that reflect its Pushkin Square locale. Designed by Landini Associates, the project sits on the site of the first ever Russian McDonald's, which opened on Pushkin Square on January 31, 1990.

Ross Barney Architects | 21.09.2020

Building of the Week

Two years after the firm's McDonald’s Chicago Flagship signaled a new green direction for the fast-food giant, Ross Barney Architects has completed a flagship McDonald's at Walt Disney World...

Ross Barney Architects | 05.11.2018

Building of the Week

Where two 60-foot-tall Golden Arches once stood ― a symbol of the world's most famous fast-food chain's origins ― now sits a glass box capped by a green roof and a steel armature of photovoltaic panels: a symbol of McDonald's sustainable future. The McDonald's flagship in...