
Birdseye | 17.07.2023

Building of the Week

A diminutive new studio for artist Richard Erdman is clad in corrugated Cor-ten steel, a reference to the older structures on the artist's working farm in Vermont. The material is also a pleasing contrast to the white Carrara marble pieces Erdman is known for. Birdseye answered a few questions...

Christoff:Finio Architecture | 01.06.2020

Building of the Week

With some of its sixty buildings designed by Pietro Belluschi, Edward Larrabee Barnes, Tod Wlliams Billie Tsien Architects, and others, Bennington College has a strong tradition of modern architecture. The latest campus project renovates one of the college's oldest buildings, giving it...

Birdseye Design | 13.11.2017

Building of the Week

Inspired by the ubiquitous board and batten siding prevalent in the region, this house in Vermont looks like a contemporary rendition of vernacular buildings. Dark and mirrored panels alternate with slender windows to create a rhythm broken up by expanses of glass that take advantage of the...