VSC Vāstu Shilpā Consultants
Indian Institute of Management
Bengaluru, 印度, 1973
In keeping with local context (climate and culture) of the place the building is conceived with a series of courtyards and linked by the ...
VSC Vāstu Shilpā Consultants
Flame University Campus
Lavale, 印度, 2008
Foundation for Liberal And Management Education - FLAME UNIVERISTY
Kenbridge Schools
KENBRIDGE SCHOOLS The nature and character of learning spaces have transformed dramatically since the earliest known forms...
New Campus for IIMA
Ahmedabad, 印度, 2010
Under a national competition HCPDPM was awarded the project for the design of an extension to IIMA, an institute of international repute ...
SPA Design Pvt Ltd
O.P. Jindal global university
Sonepat, 印度, 2009
The campus for the O.P. Jindal Global University is planned in an entirely flat agricultural land, 10 km away from the city of Sonepat, o...
Symbiosis Lavale Campus
Pune, 印度, 2002
A self sufficient campus for 3000 persons, sitting atop a hillside on the windward side of the deccan mountain range was the chief aim of...
ELTIS - Symbiosis
Pune, 印度, 2006
The highlight of this project is the complex handling of program and translating that into a meaningful architecture. The program had a L...
Flying Elephant Studio
Rishi Valley School
Madanapalle, 印度, 2009
The commission was for the design of buildings to house the senior girls' hostel and teacher's residences. A central courtyard is the key...
DCOOP Architects
Student Hostels
Cuddapah, 印度, 2008
The student hostels buildings at the Y V University are designed keeping in mind the unique experience of living in a hostel – a decisive...
C+S Architects
SHN – Student Housing Novoli
Florence, 意大利, 2007
Florence massive construction. The students’ university housing in the former Fiat area at Novoli, Florence, was designed to adapt to t...
STAR strategies + architecture
Secret Spaces
Zaragoza, Spain
Designing in section, not in plan. Spain has suffered in recent years from an incredible rise in the cost per square metre...
karlundp Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH
Frankfurt/Main, 德国, 2008
Auf dem neuen Campus Westend der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt entstanden im Rahmen des 1. Bauabschnitts zwei Studentenwohnheime mit insge...
ETH Science City - Masterplan Beleuchtung…
Zürich, 瑞士, 2017
Wir freuen uns, dass dieses Projekt im Februar 2020 mit dem German Design Award 2020 ausgezeichnet wurde. Die Science City auf dem Höngg...
Schädler & Zwerger Architekten
Studierendenwohnheim Stuttgart-Hohenheim
Stuttgart, 德国, 2010
Bei dem Grundstück handelt es um einen Grünbereich der Sportanlage der Universität Hohenheim. Es wird im Nordwesten durch die Egilolfstra...
Esposito & Javet
Logements pour étudiants
Saint-Sulpice, 瑞士, 2009
Le projet s’insère dans un tissu de villas et de petits immeubles de logements en-dessous de la route cantonale, sur un terrain s’étalant...
Fink + Jocher, Gesellschaft von Architekten und Stadtplanern mbH
Studentenwohnen Campus
Garching, 德国, 2005
Im Zuge der Erweiterung des Hochschulcampus der Technischen Universität München in Garching durch die Auslagerung eines großen Teils der ...
Charles Rose Architects
Paintrock Camp
Hyattville, 美國
A camp for underprivileged urban Los Angeles eighth-graders who have strong academic and leadership potential. Paint Rock is the first st...
MBPK Architekten und Stadtplaner
Internat Landesberufsschule
Villingen-Schwenningen, 德国, 2006
Das Projekt Internat der Landesberufsschule für das Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbe in Villingen, ging aus einem ersten Preis, eines offene...
Student Dormitory
Dongguan, 中国, 2005
Dongguan Student Dormitory The dormitory and canteen cover an area of about 110.000 sqm. The layout is based on an urban c...
Atelier Zhouling
Students Dormitory of Nanjing University of…
Nanjing, 中国, 2007
The site is on the important central axis towards the Purple Mountains, the biggest green area in the city of Nanjing. The proposal...