Nyasha Harper-Michon at Louisiana Channel

What Is Archtivism?

John Hill
31. d’octubre 2023
Photo: Screenshot

Nyasha Harper Michon, a senior manager in strategic development at UNStudio, begins her 20-minute talk with Louisiana Channel's Marc-Christoph Wagner by defining the term “archtivism” — a “delightful blend” of architecture and activism — as a movement toward creating more inclusive, just, regenerative, and resilient cities and environments. Naturally, Le Corbusier is the antithesis of the 21st-century archtivist, but so are awards like the Pritzker Architecture Prize, which recognizes (usually) one architect “who knows it all, has all the ideas or all the ingenuity, and we should revere this architect who has done these masterpieces.” The archtivist is not like that, to Michon: “It’s much more a facilitator, a listener, someone who practices empathy and who isn’t so much about being in the spotlight, but sees more how to coordinate, facilitate processes to be able to create more inclusive and resilient cities.”

Watch “Nyasha Harper-Michon: Archtivism Goes Beyond Ego” below or on Louisiana Channel's website.

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