Arts and Letters 2016 Architecture Awards

John Hill | 4. d’abril 2016
Philip Johnson, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and Phyllis Lambert in front of an image of the model for the Seagram Building, NYC, 1954-1958. Collection Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal © United Press International. (All photos courtesy of the American Academy of Arts and Letters)

The Academy has given awards to architects since 1955, the inaugural year of the Arnold W. Brunner Memorial Prize, which is given to a "a preeminent architect from any country who has made a significant contribution to architecture as an art." In 1991, the Academy added awards to honor American architects "whose work is characterized by a strong personal direction." The Academy created another cateogry in 2003 to honor an American "from any field who has contributed to ideas in architecture through any medium of expression."

The 2016 Architecture Award Winners:

Arnold W. Brunner Memorial Prize ($20,000 to an architect of any nationality who has made a significant contribution to architecture as an art)
Phyllis Lambert, Canadian Centre for Architecture

Arts and Letters Awards in Architecture ($10,000 to an American architect whose work is characterized by a strong personal direction):
Andrew Berman, Andrew Berman Architect
Andrew Freear, Rural Studio
Mimi Hoang and Eric Bunge, nARCHITECTS

Arts and Letters Award in Architecture ($10,000 to an American who explores ideas in architecture through any medium of expression):
Theodore Prudon, Docomomo US


L: New York Public Library Stapleton Branch, Andrew Berman Architects. R: Greensboro Boys and Girls Club, Rural Studio.

The jury for the 2016 Architecture Awards was made up of Elizabeth Diller (chairman), Henry Cobb, Peter Eisenman, Kenneth Frampton, Hugh Hardy, Steven Holl, Cesar Pelli, James Polshek, Robert A. M. Stern, and Tod Williams.

L: Chicago Navy Pier, nARCHITECTS with masterplan and lead design of pier by James Corner Field Operations. R: Theodore Prudon, Prudon & Partners.

The awards will be presented in New York City in May at the Academy’s annual Ceremonial, and work by the winners will be featured in an upcoming exhibition in the Academy’s galleries from 19 May to 12 June 2016.

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