Norman Foster Foundation Opens in Madrid

John Hill | 7. de juny 2017
Photo: Courtesy of Norman Foster Foundation

Open by appointment only, the Norman Foster Foundation contains the Norman Foster Archive and Library, which consists of around 75,000 items (drawings and plans; photographic materials; models; correspondence, personal sketchbooks and memorabilia) that are also available online to scholars and researchers worldwide. According to Foster, "The Foundation will seek to promote two main streams of activities, one with a focus on research and education, and another with the goal of implementing practical and experimental projects around the world." The Foundation's launch on June 1st was celebrated with the Future Is Now Forum, which can be watched below.

The Foundation is located a historic palace designed by the Joaquín de Saldaña in 1912 for the Duke of Plasencia. (Photo: Courtesy of Norman Foster Foundation)
Foster + Partners restored the interiors of the 115-year-old building. (Photo: Courtesy of Norman Foster Foundation)

The Norman Foster Foundation is located in a heritage-listed Palace designed by Joaquín Saldaña in 1912 for the Duke of Plasencia, a building that had also served as the Embassy of Turkey and a bank headquarters. In addition to the spaces restored by Foster's firm, the Foundation has a courtyard pavilion – The Pavilion of Inspirations – that "will house objects and audio visual images of projects, places, people, sculptures and paintings that could inspire future visitors and participants," in Foster's words. The Pavilion consists of laminated glass walls designed by Foster and a shade canopy by sculptor Cristina Iglesias.

Construction of a shade canopy created by artist Cristina Iglesias for the new courtyard Pavilion. (Photo: Courtesy of Norman Foster Foundation)

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