James Corner to Design Miami's 'Underline'
Every month brings news of another city trying to create its own version of Manhattan's wildly successful High Line. Most recent is Miami's Underline, which has hired High Line landscape architect James Corner to plan a 10-mile "mobility corridor."
The Underline's vision is "is to transform the underutilized land below Miami’s MetroRail, from the Miami River to Dadeland South Station, into an iconic linear park, world-class urban trail and living art destination."
Per a Miami Herald article, "James Corner Field Operations was selected by a local jury from among 19 architectural teams that submitted entries in a competition." The firm beat five finalists: dlandstudio, Balmori Associates, Perkins + Will, and Stoss, according to the Architects Newspaper. Corner's plans are due in September, but no construction money has been identified for the project that would be six times longer than New York's High Line.
News of Corner's selection comes soon after hearing about Renzo Piano's goal of transforming a mile-long stretch of unfinished elevated tramline on the outskirts of Rome into a park, and a couple months after hearing that Brazil and London are looking into getting their own High Lines.