Foto © Xavi Padrós

The LAUS night is an exhibition act and delivery of graphic design, advertisement and audiovisual awards that every year is organized by the association ADG FAD. But the LAUS night is also a dinner and a celebration, and one of the few chances that professionals have to compete and share experiences. 24 triple-wave-cardboard tables were hung from the ceiling with everything needed: cutlery, dishes, glasses, food, wine, desserts, etc...

When you get into the hall, the tables were half-way up, creating, with triangulation of the legs,an illuminated suspended ceiling which was the exhibition stand for finalists' graphic work. People came in, and visited the exhibition while having an aperitif, until the audiovisual started where it was notified that the tables would begin to get down.

One minute later, 500 people sat around the tables with their dishes and a glass of wine.

An instant dinner, which avoided the difficult movement of waiters between all that people, and that, like a curtain, meant the beggining of the act.

During the next hour, people had dinner and awards were delivered (35 Laus and 6 Grand Laus), until tables went back up top to clear space for the party.

Foto © Xavi Padrós
Foto © Eva Serrats
Foto © Eva Serrats

LAUS Awards

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Mercat de les flors (C/Lleida, 59), 08004 Barcelona, Spanien

Andere Projekte von BOPBAA Arquitectura 

DHUB exhibition "Barcelona direccions"
Barcelona, Spanien
Thyssen - Bornemisza Museum
Madrid, Spanien
GAT Berlin
Berlin, Deutschland
EL MERCAT DEL BORN Cultural Center
Barcelona, Spanien
El Molino
Barcelona, Spanien