Hang Yang Xin He Mixed Use Tower is a commercial-retail development comprising of an iconic 250 meter high rise grade-A office tower with an adjacent tower of 100 m medium grade office and a shared retail podium linking both towers and forming a large plaza experience for the new district.

By nature an office-hotel-commercial retail mix-use complex is a typology of contemporary modern life. It is a compact piece of urban culture that reflects the interdependence of work, leisure, consumption, economy and social interaction. This urban typology is not situated within an isolated island. It has a context with a complex web of infrastructure, existing urbanization, users, and economy. Its successful implementation lies in its link with the existing urban fabric, its response to the development program and its impact on the environment visually as well as addressing to issues of sustainability in a global sense as each new construction is an impact on the environment.

The typology is a result of contemporary social-urban development. By necessity, the architectural implementation also lies within a contemporary response. It should challenge current monolithic urban structures that isolate the urban mass from its context and users and render the street-scape into a singular expression by promoting and inciting new uses of urban spaces through a mixture of programmed and serendipity urban events, creating a variety of urban spaces through scale fluctuations, height changes, and visual and tactile diversifications.

Andere Projekte von Studio Georges Hung 

Vertical Loft
Paris, Frankreich
Great Wall Technology Headquarters Tower
Shenzhen, China
Lite 2000 Table
Paris, Frankreich
Insite Studio
Boulogne-Billancourt, Frankreich
Sanya Phoenix Island - Commercial-Leisure Cultural Centre
Sanya, China