Marc Chalamanch
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Architect and urban planner with a degree from the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona, ETSAB, UPC. He has been involved in the rehabilitation project of the Kasbahs in the Todra Valley Casba, Morocco. Co-founder of the Archikubik studio.
His academic research, fuelled by his professional experience, is aimed at the analysis of the transformation of the city with its players, problem areas and challenges within the Networked Society. He participates in the "Information Society and the Knowledge" Master's program at the UOC (Catalonia Open University).
He is professor of the "Urban Environment and Sustainability" Master’s program at UPC in Barcelona and has been a lecturer at the Higher Schools of Design in Barcelona, ELISAVA and LAI.
He leads a workshop at the XII International Congress of Architecture AESCALA/UDLA in Puebla, Mexico in 2006 and has been co-director of various ITESM workshops: Guadalajara TEC in Monterrey, Mexico, in 2001, in Barcelona between 2002 and 2004, and the City College of New York, USA.
He has appeared as guest speaker at the IV International Congress of Architecture of the University of La Salle in León, Mexico in 2007. He has likewise given the keynote speech at the XII International Congress of Architecture AESCALA/UDLA in Puebla, Mexico in 2006.
He has been chosen as member of the "Academic Leaders 2008" programme to give seminars and classes at TEC in Monterrey, Mexico.

Miquel Lacasta
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PhD in architecture from ESARQ-UIC (special award to best PhD thesis in 2012), Master’s Degree in Biodigital Architecture from ESARQ-UIC and architecture degree from ETSAB. Co-founder of the Archikubik studio and @kubik, transdisciplinary space for small and very small companies. He is founder of Axonométrica, a blog about architectural theory. He is lecturer and director of the end of degree workshop, as well as member of the ESARQ-UIC academic board.
He teaches at ESARQ-UIC since 1997 and has led multiple architecture workshops in association with the ITSEM university in Guadalajara, Mexico and the City College in New York.
From 1989 to 1996 he worked together with the Manuel Brullet architecture studios, where he was trained in large-scale projects and public facilities.
In 1996 he obtained a scholarship to study the impact of the Spanish high-speed rail through the Vallès region, as an opportunity to restructure the Barcelona periphery.
He has sat on the jury of various prizes and is member of the jury in various academic universities (BiArch, Clemson University, CCNY, ITSEM, Elisava, etc.) and in the evaluation of doctoral theses. He is likewise co-author of Secuencias Extremas, Ed. Department of Culture and Publications ESARQ-UIC, 2011, and Diagonal Verda, Ed. Departament de Cultura i Publicaciones ESARQ-UIC, 2013.

Carmen Santana
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Chilean soul, French spirit, Catalan heart.
Living in Barcelona since 1992, she is co-founder of the Archikubik studio and @kubik, transdisciplinary space for small and very small companies.
Degree in Architecture from the Toulouse School, France, in 1987, she has also completed several postgraduate degrees including “Business and workplace spaces” in Paris-La Villette and “The Great Scale: Architecture of the new environments” at ETSAB, Polytechnic University of Catalonia. She is co-director of the "Ravalizar Barcelona" workshop for ITESM-Guadalajara, Mexico, in 2004. She has obtained a grant to participate in the II Symposium on Natural Spaces in Urban and Periurban Agglomerations with the “Transition spaces between asphalt and nature” project, Barcelona 1995.
She works at Taller de Arquitectura with architect Ricardo Bofill and in collaboration with Robertson & Partners, New York, developing the Diagonal Mar urban development plan in Barcelona in 1996.
She is director, since 2006, of the "Information Society and Territory" module of the "Urban and Environmental Sustainability" master’s degree at ETSAB-UPC. She is an expert in Urban Ecology and Sustainability in the information society, and the impact of Information Technologies and communication in the territory.
She is a member of the 5Plus City Forum Scientific Committee, "My digital life and my smart city in 5 years"