Past Present Future II: Atxu Amann

John Hill | 18. July 2019
Atxu Amann at TEDxMadridSalon in 2017 (Photo courtesy of Amann-Cánovas-Maruri)
"Becoming," the Spanish Pavilion curated by Amann at the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale (Photo courtesy of Amann-Cánovas-Maruri)

Atxu Amann Alcocer, born in Madrid, founded Amann-Cánovas-Maruri with Andrés Cánovas Alcaraz and Nicolás Maruri Mendoza. After explaining in the "Past" clip that she almost randomly ended up studying architecture, Amann recounts how her PhD research led her to a subject with a gender focus and since then she has been linked to a "gender approach in everything." She continues in the "Present" clip to discuss this gender approach and how it relates to things like domesticity. To keep up with the speed of things now and in the "Future," Amann explains in the last clip how she studies two hours a day — and hopes to keep doing so — to continue her learning, what shouldn't be limited to schooling.

Watch the interviews below or on Itinerant Office's Vimeo page.




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