It's hard not to be charmed by the once-a-day paper buildings that Charles Young of Edinburgh has been creating since August 2014.
Using 220gsm watercolor paper and PVA glue, the talented and patient artist's Paperholm models have grown in complexity over time, from his first building, an A-frame structure posted on 17 August 2014:
To today's building (his last before a much-needed hiatus), which has a similarly shaped building but also signage, a walkway, a ladder, and a flag:
Parallel to this increase in formal complexity has been an increase in presentation complexity, with many of the creations posted as animated GIFs, such as this one from last month that assembles a number of buildings into a scene (click image to watch animation):
This film by Charles Young for Sony | Action Cam captures the artist making some of his creations and filming them in the round like one miniature city: