RCR and Campo Baeza Among Spanish International Architecture Prize 2015 Winners
The Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de España (CSCAE - Higher Council of Architectural Colleges of Spain) has announced the winners of its Spanish Interational Architecture Prize 2015.
The PAEI Awards (Premios de Arquitectura Española Internacional) aim to raise awareness of Spanish architects doing work in other countries. The highest honor in the Architecture category went to RCR Arquitectes' Museo Soulages, a museum devoted to artist Pierre Soulages that was completed last year in Rodez, France.
First prize in the International Competition category went to the Conservation and Storage Facility for the Louvre Museum in Liévin, France by Alberto Campo Baeza and French architect Raphaël Gabrión. Their design tied for first place with an entry from the firm of Richard Rogers, but after a final negotiation the latter was selected to complete the building.
For more coverage on the awards (in Spanish), visit the News page on Spanish-Architects.