Malka Architecture
Adyax HQ
Our work for Open Source Experts Adyax’s Parisian headquarters aims to redefine the space planning concept, and new ways to live and work together in a 21st-century office building.
An obsolete legacy
Working spaces in their actual form are still built on the same model from the industrial era. They are no longer adapted to new production’s modus operandi, especially thoses related to digitalization. Dematerialization and task’s individualizations combined with the increase of mobile working, the aspiration or the injunction to autonomy, the extension of the company and the emergence of new workplaces ( co-working, wespace, work hubs … ) create phenomenal mutations in tertiary uses.
Towards flexible and modular spaces
The digital fields stretches new prospects, new fields of explorations to anticipate in these new professional areas. To do so, we’ve developped various flexible uses, space modularity but also material and objects hijacking throught the whole project.
We’ve also created new dispositions and alternatives workspaces. The systematic use of laptops allows a true mobility within the company. Thus places with various spatial and chromatic characteristics, a varied range of different atmospheres conducive to common spaces, collective or individual isolation.
Distorting scales related uses
In order to promote generous places for informal exchanges, meeting scenes, different types of reunions and public réception we’ve work on distorting scales.
PVC-made sliding walls are creating a microarchitecture partition – with a thermal and acoustic insulation – that structure the space and allows to connect or separate working spaces in a few seconds.
The abstract colorful touches bring a strong identity and a playful touch to the spaces.
The central space, as a nave church, invites to meditate on the essence of the emptiness as in the drawn spaces of a cathedral.
It also focus the eye in the center of the nave church, thus on the side, down the passage flow and lights variations may the designers enjoy the much needed calm.
The Blue Gold
The anamorphosis creates Matrix Cubes that are anchored to the hall’s columns, halfway between abstraction and spatial reality. It’s an invitation to contemplation, a golden window on a blue ocean, deeply rooted in the company’s DNA, yet open towards other places.
Stéphane Malka / Malka Architecture