Jacques Ferrier Architectures, chartier dalix architectes
Porte des Ternes – The Multi-Layered City, a New Urban Landscape
Jacques Ferrier Architecture, chartier dalix architectes | 9. February 2016
Image: Jacques Ferrier chartier dalix architectes / image SPLANN
The new metropolitan landscape of Paris: This reinventer.paris project offers a unique opportunity to transform the metropolis at a highly strategic spot: the Boulevard Périphérique (ring road).
Image: Jacques Ferrier chartier dalix architectes / image SPLANN
Visit Jacques Ferrier Architectures' profile on World-Architects to see more of the Porte des Ternes project. And see our headline, "Reinventing Paris in 23 Sites," to see this and other winners of the reinventer.paris competition.
Image: Jacques Ferrier chartier dalix architectes / image SPLANN