A diagonal bridge connecting the insurance company's existing main administration building with the new administration building breaks the orthogonality of the perimeter block development chosen for the new building. The incongruity is the motive and defines the arrangment of the structural consolidation and organization of the courtyards and the block's interior spaces.
The lively and simultaneously homogenous facade is dictated by translucent, glass shading elements installed in a routine pattern infront of the windows and slightly askew to the alignment of the building's facade.
Allianz Lebensversicherung AG, Unterföhring
Gross area
58.000 m2
Gross volume
235.000 m3
Performance levels
Lph 2 – 5, 8 (künstl. Oberleitung) HOAI
DGNB „Platin“, 2016
Aldo Amoretti