Riverside tower cranes
Cologne, Germany
© Jörg Hempel
The »Group Principle«
City, architecture, interior design and product design are atmospherically inseparable. The headquarters of the Hadi Teherani Group are located in Hamburg, Germany on Elbberg, a street on a rise facing the Elbe River. The offices are situated in the Lofthaus, a building designed in 1994 in the immediate vicinity of the multiple award-winning projects Dockland and Elbberg Campus. Perfectly interconnected yet organised individually on different floors, all necessary expert capacities are available in-house to clients for all design, communications and organisational tasks involving architecture, interior design, product design and consulting. This enables Hadi Teherani to design the human living environment not only in subsections but in an all-embracing and complex manner, from an innovatively urbane initial approach to emotional architecture and on to an atmospherically defined interior. Clients and partners are offered wide-ranging advisory consulting with a large degree of synergy effects, ‘knock-ons’ that repeatedly meet with international recognition in the form of prizes and awards, both for the architecture and the design.
Competences: Architecture | Design | Interior | Consulting
- Category
- Architects
- Location
- Hamburg, Germany
- Website
- www.haditeherani.com
- Founded
- 2011 (1991)