Visualization © Martin Frühwirth

The Wien-Baumgasse Penitentiary Centre includes a new building for the juvenile court, a penal institution for juvenile delinquents, young women, young women with children and a special department for forensics. In addition, a training centre for correction officers, etc. is planned. This enormous space and the compact combination of various uses will be built in the densely developed, inner city context of Baumgasse in the centre of Vienna. Creating areas for recreation and leisure time facilities and intermediate space for a pleasant working environment on the one side and creating the framework conditions for a humane penal system on the other side offers added-value, qualities which will be reflected in the design through to the facades of the building.

Judicial Complex Baumgasse

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Other Projects by hohensinn architektur 

Prison Heidering
Großbeeren, Germany
Sports- and Recreation Centre in Stattegg
Stattegg, Austria
Hotel Domplatz Linz
Linz, Austria
Leoben Centre of Justice
Leoben, Austria
Andritz Waterworks
Graz, Austria