A red cube constitutes the extension building of the Virology Institute at the Philips University. The build-ing is connected via a white bridge and is used for virological research with its BSL4 laboratory.
Besides its compact form and the highly engineered utilization of the new building it also stands out in terms of its design. It stands freely as a solitaire, reminding of an ‘engeneering sculpture’. An auburn, metal-lic skin seamlessly seems to infold the entire building. Reduced, horizontally and vertically positioned win-dow bands are set flush within the façade, underlining the monolithic appearance.
Enlargements of the renowned Marburg-Virus are engraved on broad sheets of aluminium using screen-printing techniques. The texture clads the entire façade, setting Marburg's Science an architectural landmark.
Project data
Building Owner: Philipps-Universität Marburg
represented by the Hessian Construction Management, Marburg
GFA: 1.683 m²
Dates: 2004 - 2007
Commission according to VOF- proceedings