© Christian Richters

Starting point has been a defragmented old city district with the aim to rebuild its typical structure with in-ner court yards and passageways. The new Händelhaus-Karree presents itself as a building complex of four quadrants with shed roofed houses along the edges and cubical houses at the centre of the block, the former of which sets a well scaled transition to the historic context. Each quadrant is to be understood as an independent building of individual purpose: at the heart of the square is the Händel-Garten, surrounded by the chamber music hall of the Händelhaus, the Institute and the Library of Music of the Martin Luther University, as well as a Protestant University of Applied Science, a restaurant, offices and flats. Small paths, leading towards the inner spaces, set accents within the block development. That way, the building block attains its structure of public and semi-public areas.

Project data
Building Owner: Frankonia Eurobau AG
GFA: 13.530 m²
Dates: 1997 - 2002
1st Prize Implementation competition 1997

Photo © Christian Richters
Photo © Christian Richters
Photo © Christian Richters

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