Christian Kawe
Partner / Office Manager Studio Düsseldorf
Show Biography
since 08/2016 KRESINGS – Partner / Office Manager
2001 – 2016 ingenhoven architects, Düsseldorf – Project management
1998 – 2001 Planungsgruppe, Dortmund – Project management
1997 Chamber registration AKNW
1995 – 1998 Palfner und Palfner, Münster
1995 FH Münster (diploma)
1967 Born in Braunschweig

Kilian Kresing
Show Biography
2015 Appeal committee BDA Münsterland
2014 Vocation in the BDA
2012 Lectureship and scientific assistant TU Dortmund
2010 Co-founder Studio KRESINGS
2009 Lectureship and assistant professor GUtech / RWTH Aachen
2008 Chamber registration AKNW
2007 Chamber registration ARB London
2005 TU München / ETSA Madrid (EP) / RWTH Aachen (diploma)
1979 Born in Münster