KGSE – Erich Kästner Community School Elmshorn
Elmshorn, Germany
The new three- storey buildings create an urban space at the corner of Heinholzer Damm/Fröbelstraße and act as a main entrance to the community school and the main public access to the district library.
As a consequence of the new build, the playground gets a strong spatial composure towards the South and West and through the covered arcades a functional and architecturally pleasing access from the car and bicycle parking facilities is accomplished.
An internal axis which connects all the building elements -the so called ’school street’- is of vital significance for the operation of the school. All the important communicative areas are -in an alternating way- affiliated along this axis in order to provide a clear and simple orientation. Spatially attractive, arranged versatility and naturally lit, the ‚street’ will be the future lifeblood of the school.
Interior design features are multi-storey halls and courtyards within the individual school buildings.
Energy Strategy & Building Services Engineering
Heating loads are minimised through highly insulated external building components. The heating system operates with effective heating surfaces which are quickly adjustable in order to cover peaks within the heating periods, rapidly heat up the rooms and optimise comfort. Because of the good insulation of the buildings, internal heat sources (people, lighting, appliances) will cover the main part of the energy demand within the heating period. All the classrooms are naturally ventilated through open able windows.
The mechanical ventilation system for the forum, the cafeteria and the kitchen is equipped for cooling and also contains means for effective heat recovery.
Additionally the building has concrete core cooling within the floor slabs which is used for cooling the facilities in the summer months and for supporting the heating system in the periods where heating is required.
In order to produce energy it is planned to install a PV (photovoltaic) system on the roof of building element C.
- Architects
- Böge Lindner K2 Architekten
- Location
- Hainholzer Damm 15, 25337 Elmshorn, Germany
- Year
- 2015