

Metro Gardens

Chennai, India

METRO GARDENS architectureRED was commissioned to master plan and design the architecture for the 8.43 acre (approx. 900,0...


Globevill Master Plan

Chennai, India

The project site is located on prime real estate off the NH-4 which links Chennai to Bangalore, and in the heart of the industrial hub of...

Coelacanth K&H Architects


Tokyo, Japan, 2010

This concrete rigid-frame structure has an H-shaped and external insulation, forming a four-story skeleton-like space. Each floor has a s...

Horváth Pablo

Wohnüberbauung Chalavus Seniorenwohnungen

St. Moritz, Switzerland, 2009

Die Wohnüberbauung Chalavus liegt in St. Moritz Bad, unweit der Seepromenade und den örtlichen Naherholungsgebieten. Geschlosse...

Heinz Müller + Partner Architekten

Umbau Wohnhaus

Zürich, Switzerland, 2009

Oppenheim Architecture

Ten Museum Park

Miami, USA, 2007

Scope 600,000 SF mixed-use condominium. Architecture/Interior finishes Location

Oppenheim Architecture

Marina + Beach Towers

U.A.E., United Arab Emirates

Scope 2,648,850 SF mixed-use project. Master Planning/Architecture/Interior Design    ...

Oppenheim Architecture


Miami Design District, Florida, USA

Scope 240,000 SF mixed-use condominium complex. Architecture/Interior finishes Location

Oppenheim Architecture


Miami Design District, Florida, USA

Scope 480,000 SF mixed-use condominium complex. Architecture/ Interior finishes Location

Shogo Aratani Architect & Associates


Hyogo, Japan, 2007

Building codes required that this structure, which combines a residence and a pottery studio, take on a trapezoidal shape. Within those c...

Shogo Aratani Architect & Associates

Atelier in Hiuna

Hiroshima, Japan, 2003

A single-story combined studio and residence for two potters. In the horizontal dimension of the house we sought a maze-like layout, whil...



MIlano, Italy, 2010

Emanuel Schoop

Wohn- und Geschäftshaus

Wohlen, Switzerland, 2009

Wettbewerb 2005, 1. Preis Ausführung 2008 – 2009 Auftraggeber Privat

STAR strategies + architecture

The Room that was Always There

Liège, Belgium

Overall concept: As architects, we see how often Sustainability is reduced to a green dressing on top of the fina...

STAR strategies + architecture

Manzana 5

Zaragoza, Spain

The brief of the competition predetermined the volume and shape of the block. Upon initial review, we wondered why the three slabs of the...

STAR strategies + architecture

Big B

Amsterdam, Netherlands

The starting point for our design was to establish a strong connection to the water and to maintain the industrial character of the site....

Pichler & Traupmann Architekten

Neue Mitte Hagenberg

Hagenberg, Austria, 2007

Wohn-, Büro  und Geschäftshaus Neue Mitte, Hagenberg Pfeile in der Landschaft Hagenberg ist eine kle...

Dällenbach/Ewald Architekten AG

Sanierung alte Weberei Stucki

Steffisburg, Switzerland, 1999

M&S Architekten

Arcade Meidling

Wien, Austria, 2000

On a total area of approximately 27.000 m² this multifunctional building contains a shopping mall, public services, office and residentia...

M&S Architekten

Kabelwerk Site E

Vienna, Austria, 2002

Part of "Kabelwerk" experimental urban development. This project tries to give the circulation space a dynamic quality, both through t...

M&S Architekten

Kabelwerk Site D

Vienna, Austria, 2002

A small residential block containing 33 units is erected within the framework of the urban development of "Kabelwerk", the most exciting ...

kofler architects

Wohnbebauung Röcklbrunnstraße

Salzburg, Austria, 2011

Auf dem seit Jahren brachliegenden Grundstück an der Sterneckstraße wurde anhand eines baukünstlerischen Wettbewerbs die Chance wahrgenom...

Atelier Zündel Cristea

Retirement home

Riedisheim, France, 2009

This retirement home is located on the heights of Riedisheim (a suburb of Mulhouse), in a residential neighborhood. The conjunction of ge...

kofler architects

Wohnbau Ernest-Thun-Strasse

Salzburg, Austria, 2007

Innerstädtische Nachverdichtung gilt als einer der wichtigsten Ansätze ökologischen Städtebaus. Der über dem Terrain durch eine eingezoge...

kofler architects

Wallerseehalle - Mehrzweckgebäude Henndorf

Henndorf, Austria, 2006

Wallerseehalle - ein Mehrzweckgebäude mit multifunktionalen Nutzungsmöglichkeiten für die Gemeinde Henndorf. Die Aufgabe bestand darin, e...

kofler architects

Wohnen Alt-Maxglan, Solaris 2

Salzburg, Austria, 2008

Auf dem ehemaligen Gelände der Firma Höller Eisen an der Kleßheimer Allee entstanden ein Verbrauchermarkt und eine fünf- bis sechsgeschos...

Hariri Pontarini Architects

One Bloor East

Toronto, Canada

Positioned at the south east corner of Yonge Street and Bloor Street, this notable site sits atop two converging subways lines and marks ...

Hariri Pontarini Architects

St. Thomas

Toronto, Canada

Two St Thomas, designed by Hariri Pontarini Architects, stands as an elegant new addition on the north-east corner of Charles Street, in ...

Hariri Pontarini Architects

St. Joseph + Yonge

Toronto, Canada

With many of Toronto’s condominium buildings running the length of Bay Street to the East, and the pedestrian and tourist area of Y...

Hariri Pontarini Architects

Adelaide + John

Toronto, Canada

The volumes and voids of this project are derived from its place on Toronto’s new Cultural Corridor. Running the length of McCaul f...

Beat Nievergelt

Neubau Alte Landstrasse 145

Thalwil, Switzerland, 2011

Mehrfamilienhaus mit Gewerbenutzung und zwei Wohnungen. Leistungen: Ausführungsplanung und Bauleitung Entwurf: Dolenc Scheiwiller Archite...

apart architektur

Sanierung Wohnungen "Bözingenstrasse"

Biel, Switzerland, 2010

Im Zuge einer dringend erforderlichen Steigstrangsanierung entschied sich die Bauherrschaft zur qualitativen Aufwertung der angrenzenden

nik biedermann architekt

Erweiterung Domhütte

Randa (VS), Switzerland, 2008

Die Erweiterungsstudie versteht die Aufgabe der Hüttenvergrösserung als Auftrag zur Fortsetzung alpiner Kompaktheit. Analog traditionelle...

3pass Architekten Stadtplaner Part mbB

Green Town Sky Project Wuhan

Wuhan, China, 2008

Im neuen Stadtviertel Wuhan Green Town, Hongshan District bildet die Boulevardbebauung den südlichen Abschluss des Quartiers. An markante...

Georg Döring

Residential and commercial building house in…

Düsseldorf, Germany, 2009

The narrow and deep site is built on at each end, with a multi-family dwelling and a single-family house. The two ends are joined technic...

ennead architects

Common Ground Community, Schermerhorn House

New York, NY, USA, 2010

The design creates a new paradigm for urban supportive housing in response to unique site conditio...

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