- 2020
- Architecture Awards of the Counties of Girona
- Hell, Sweet Hell
- shortlisted
One of the functions of the College of Architects of Catalonia (COAC) is to disseminate the professional work of architects in society, an action that unfolds in multiple formats for the whole territory.
Since 1997, the Girona Demarcation of the COAC annually announces the Architecture Awards of the Counties of Girona, giving value to the architecture made in the territorial area of the Demarcation of Girona, in order to show the quality and rigor of professionals.
The Architecture Awards of the Counties of Girona have become a benchmark among professionals in architecture and construction as well as for the public and the successive juries formed by renowned architects.
- 2020
- FAD 2020
- Hell, Sweet Hell
- nominee
The Fostering Arts and Design is a non-profit association of professionals and businesses connected to design.
We believe that design can improve the lives of people. This is why we devote our resources to promoting creative culture, support the new generations and stimulate excellence in product design, architecture, fashion, graphic design and visual communication, the crafts and the arts in general.
- 2019
- Architecture Awards of the Counties of Girona 2019
- Origami Lava
- 1st place
One of the functions of the College of Architects of Catalonia (COAC) is to disseminate the professional work of architects in society, an action that unfolds in multiple formats for the whole territory.
Since 1997, the Girona Demarcation of the COAC annually announces the Architecture Awards of the Counties of Girona, giving value to the architecture made in the territorial area of the Demarcation of Girona, in order to show the quality and rigor of professionals.
The Architecture Awards of the Counties of Girona have become a benchmark among professionals in architecture and construction as well as for the public and the successive juries formed by renowned architects.
- 2019
- National Awards of Ephemeral Architecture (Emporia) 2019
- Hell, Sweet Hell
- gold
The EMPORIA Awards are organized by Veredictas Internacional with the main support of the Col·legi de Dissenyadors d'Interiors i Decoradors de Catalunya and with the support of the Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Decoradores y Diseñadores de Interiores de España, the Polytechnic University of Madrid, ETSAB, Asociación de Carpas e Instalaciones Temporales, AFE, FEFIC and the Associated Spanish Event Agencies. And they have the support of the main specialized media such as Grupo Evento Plus, On Diseño, Tectonica, DiarioDesign and Experimenta.
The EMPORIA Awards jury is made up exclusively of representatives from universities, professional organisations, the technical press and industry specialists, with no official members. This is a key aspect for the EMPORIA jury to provide the utmost rigor and criteria, both essential for it to truly be a recognized standard of excellence in the ephemeral architecture market.
The EMPORIA awards recognize constructive and communication aspects such as the relationship between space and use, the relationship between decoration and brand values, the best technical solutions, creativity or respect for the environment.
- 2019
- LAMP Awards 2019
- Origami Lava
- nominee
Light is a fundamental element of life and a key aspect of any architectural project. Prizes will be awarded to projects that have successfully met the architectural lighting needs of an indoor or outdoor space, having created a positive synergy between architecture, interior design, urban planning, landscaping and lighting. The Lamp Awards value the creativity, innovation and sustainability of lighting projects, regardless of the manufacturer or the brand of lights used in the project.
- 2019
- [d]arc awards 2019
- Origami Lava
- 2nd place
The [d]arc awards is a unique concept utilising arc and darc magazines’ reputation as being the most widely read and respected lighting design publications in the world. In collaboration with creative consultants Light Collective, we have created a unique opportunity to get every practice involved in the awards process.
- 2019
- FAD 2019
- Origami Lava
- shortlisted
The Fostering Arts and Design is a non-profit association of professionals and businesses connected to design.
We believe that design can improve the lives of people. This is why we devote our resources to promoting creative culture, support the new generations and stimulate excellence in product design, architecture, fashion, graphic design and visual communication, the crafts and the arts in general.
- 2018
- National Awards of Ephemeral Architecture (Emporia) 2018
- Origami Lava
- gold
The EMPORIA Awards are organized by Veredictas Internacional with the main support of the Col·legi de Dissenyadors d'Interiors i Decoradors de Catalunya and with the support of the Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Decoradores y Diseñadores de Interiores de España, the Polytechnic University of Madrid, ETSAB, Asociación de Carpas e Instalaciones Temporales, AFE, FEFIC and the Associated Spanish Event Agencies. And they have the support of the main specialized media such as Grupo Evento Plus, On Diseño, Tectonica, DiarioDesign and Experimenta.
The EMPORIA Awards jury is made up exclusively of representatives from universities, professional organisations, the technical press and industry specialists, with no official members. This is a key aspect for the EMPORIA jury to provide the utmost rigor and criteria, both essential for it to truly be a recognized standard of excellence in the ephemeral architecture market.
The EMPORIA awards recognize constructive and communication aspects such as the relationship between space and use, the relationship between decoration and brand values, the best technical solutions, creativity or respect for the environment.