Wohnhochhaus Sorrento
Dübendorf, Switzerland, 2024
Das Gebiet Hochbord, einst von Industriearealen und Gärtnereien geprägt, wandelt sich zu einem urbanen Quartier an der Grenze zur Stadt Z...
Schulraumprovisorium Campus Irchel
Zürich, Switzerland, 2024
In den nächsten Jahren müssen mehrere Zürcher Kantonsschulen instandgesetzt werden. Aus Nachhaltigkeitsgründen soll nicht jede Schule ein...
ETH Hönggerberg HIF
Zürich, Switzerland, 2023
Die Gesamtsanierung und Erweiterung des Forschungsgebäudes HIF aus dem Jahr 1976 stellte eines der umfangreichsten Sanierungsprojekte auf...
Europaallee Construction Plot B
Zürich, Switzerland, 2019
The office/commercial building has a central location by Zurich’s main railway station, forming the start of the new Europaallee district...
Ambassador House
Opfikon-Glattbrugg, Switzerland, 2017
When Ambassador House was completed in 1989, it towered like a post-modern Noah’s ark over the centre of the suburban area that joined no...
Secondary School Sandgruben
Basel, Switzerland, 2016
The new Sandgruben secondary school building was built in conjunction with the classroom renewal project launched in connection with the ...
Student Housing ETH Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland, 2016
Four connected buildings running from east to west will be grouped together to form two residential blocks with a central access courtyar...
Office Building Holbeinstrasse
Zurich, Switzerland, 2010
Two properties in Zurich's Seefeldquartier from 1961 and 1973 were repaired, converted and connected to form a new, efficient office ...
UBS Grünenhof
Zurich, Switzerland, 2010
The UBS Grünenhof project was a combination of repair work, monument protection and new construction near Bahnhofstrasse and Paradeplatz,...
Zurich Technical College
Zurich, Switzerland, 2005
As part of the design plan for Zurich-Nord, the Zurich Technical College (TBZ) had to give up its school building in the city's Oerlikon ...