Invisible Borders
Zoetermeer, Países Bajos

"Invisible Borders" is a collaboration between Berlin-based photographer Mireille van der Moga and Dutch photographer/ videographer Tineke van Veen that explores the duality of a new condition in Europe – the simultaneous dissolution of borders and their expansion beyond the continent through technologies of control – and questions the value of land borders at all.
In a time of borderless Internet, lopsided demographic and ecological development, and escalating border conflicts, to hold up divisions makes less and less sense. Wouldn’t a freer flow of people, like we once had, be in all of our interest? Hasn’t the basis of human development always laid in movement, exploration and exploitation? And how will recent changes to immigration laws, coupled with the use of AI, ensure the fundamental and human rights of refugees, migrants and citizens alike?
"Invisible Borders" was shown at the group exhibition "Once Upon a Now" at the Kunstgarage Franx in Zoetermeer, NL.

Invisible Borders
Berlin, Alemania

"Invisible Borders" was shown at the group exhibition "Once Upon a Now" at the Kunsthaus Bethanien in Berlin.

Dessau, Alemania

The project Plattenland was shown at the 10. Forum Architekturwissenschaft at the Bauhaus in Dessau, "RE/Production Conditions of Architecture - revisited."