The World-Architects platforms feature regularly updated news with weekly newsletters in English, German, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese. Our editors diligently and independently select content that is relevant, important, and of the highest quality—just for you. This curation makes the website a recognized source of information for high-quality contemporary architecture.
We take a broad view of architecture. But occasionally there are topics we want to highlight because they are of particular importance for architects and the culture of building. We give increased attention to these topics for several weeks at a time through the creation of a new free-to-use repository — We wish you enjoyable reading with our thematic weeks.
If keeping buildings heated has traditionally tended to make the greatest energy demands, keeping them adequately protected against the summer heat is also growing rapidly in importance as climates continue to warm. Smart control systems and sophisticated mechanical equipment can provide and maintain a healthy and pleasant indoor climate with minimal cooling energy. And advanced solar shading systems are an effective and inexpensive way to both prevent overheating in summer and maximize passive heat gains in the winter months.
In our “Solar shading: the energy miracle” publication project, we discuss both sophisticated smart home solutions and low-tech solar shading concepts that make optimum use of simple physical principles. We spotlight high-quality architectural projects that have placed solar shading and responsible energy use firmly centerstage. We examine the ecological footprints of various solar shading products. And we consult leading experts in the field on these vital environmental issues.
“Solar shading: the energy miracle” is a collaborative project of Griesser and World-Architects.
Healthcare buildings are increasingly designed nowadays in ways that place the well-being of employees, patients, and their families at the center of planning and other functional processes. The way we plan today ultimately shapes the construction of tomorrow and the health of us all.
In the special topic "Healing Architecture" we engage in discussions with important national and international experts about the criteria for creating high-quality environments in healthcare buildings. The topic will focus on the complex healthcare system, including such specialized areas as psychiatry and senior-friendly construction, as well as issues like digitalization and lighting design.
"Healing Architecture" is a project of 100% Interior and World-Architects.
Despite valid criticism, the Venice Architecture Biennale remains the most acclaimed architecture exhibition in the world. The 18th edition opened on 20 May. Instead of flying in a large editorial team, we sent our authors Susanna Koeberle and John Hill, along with Italian photographer Flavia Rossi, to the lagoon city to provide critical coverage of the exhibition.
Architects must now decisively embrace their social and environmental responsibility. Curator Lesley Lokko urged participants to do so with the theme 'The Laboratory of the Future.' However, has this year's Biennale succeeded in becoming a groundbreaking exhibition?
Fahrzeuge mit Elektroantrieb bieten ökologische, aber auch strategische Vorzüge. Doch noch wird der Fortschritt gebremst durch eine unzureichende Ladeinfrastruktur. Diese muss bei bestehenden Bauten angepasst und bei neuen mitgedacht werden. Eine grosse Herausforderung und Chance für Architekturschaffende, Immobilienentwickler und Hausbesitzer.
«Die Zukunft fährt elektrisch» ist ein Projekt der AMAG Gruppe und von Es schenkt dem wichtigen Thema E-Mobilität mehr Aufmerksamkeit.
In democratic structures, the further development of cities can no longer be achieved without the participation of their inhabitants. The questions are: Is our democracy a good or a bad building contractor? Who develops the city? What do we refer to when speaking of identity-creating architecture? How can cities be designed better despite their rapid growth? «Town Planning in Democratic Structures» deals with these highly topical questions on the basis of selected building projects by O&O Baukunst Köln.
«Town Planning in Democratic Structures» is a project of O&O Baukunst Köln, C. FATH and World-Architects.
Gleich zweimal musste die Architekturbiennale von Venedig aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie verschoben werden, am 22. Mai konnte die 17. Edition endlich ihre Tore öffnen. Da immer noch zahlreiche Einreise- und Quarantänebeschränkungen gelten, haben wir uns entschlossen, dieses Jahr anders aus Venedig zu berichten: Wir reisen nicht wie sonst als grosses Team an, stattdessen besucht unsere Autorin Susanna Koeberle mit der Fotografin Flavia Rossi Giardini und Arsenale und berichtet über ihre Eindrücke.
Unter dem Motto des Kurators Hashim Sarkis «How will we live together?» geht es um Zukunftsfragen – wie passend zur aktuellen Situation. Es scheint, die verschobene Biennale kommt genau zur rechten Zeit. Wir hoffen, dass Sie und wir bald einen eigenen Blick nach Venedig werfen können – bis 21. November sind die 112 Beiträge aus 46 Nationen zu sehen.
Mit handwerklicher Präzision und Kunstfertigkeit, Traditionsbewusstsein und Kreativität zaubert de Sede Menschen ein Lächeln ins Gesicht: Seit 1962 verarbeitet die Schweizer Manufaktur sorgfältig ausgewählte Materialien zu feinen Sitzmöbeln mit raffinierten Funktionen. de Sede bewahrt auf sympathisch-anachronistisch Weise altehrwürdige Handwerkstechniken und setzt auf Dauerhaftigkeit statt trendiger Wegwerfware. Das macht die Möbel-Skulpturen aus Klingnau heute so zeitgemäss wie nie.
Without light we cannot see. To perceive architecture, light is essential. From the thoughtful and harmonious interplay of light and space emerge fascinating worlds of experience where people can feel at ease, focused, or even excited. Yet the creative potential of light is not always understood or fully exploited. In cooperation with ERCO, we seek to shed a little more light into the darkness.