ICFF Circles

John Hill | 17. mai 2016
Flavor Paper's ShweShwe by Ghislaine Viñas (All photographs by John Hill/World-Architects)

At top is a wallcovering designed by Ghislaine Viñas for Brooklyn's Flavor Paper. ShweShwe is the New York-based designer's interpretation of traditional prints of the same name made in South Africa since the 1800s. The digitally printed design with its intricate geometries tap into the designer's background: Viñas grew up in South Africa before establishing her eponymous interior design practice in New York in 1999.

Below is Concentric, a new lamp designed by California-based Rob Zinn for Barcelona's Marset. The aptly named lamp is made of metal discs that are back-painted to reflect the LED light onto the front surfaces. The effect is calming, ethereal. Concentric comes in three sizes that can be outfitted with one of three color combinations: Corona model with neon colors, Major model with warm colors, and Minor model with cool colors. The hard part with this irresistible lamp will be in deciding which size-and-color combination to select.

Marset's Concentric by Rob Zinn
Marset's Concentric by Rob Zinn
Marset's Concentric by Rob Zinn

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