KCAP Wins Sewoon District #4 Competition

John Hill | 2. mars 2017
Image: KCAP

KCAP's 280,000-square-meter plan includes offices, retail, hotel, entertainment, education and medical facilities. Per a statement from the firm, it "preserv[es] the historical structures and at the same time develop[s] a people-oriented urban design to function as a driving force for stimulating craftsmanship in Seoul."

Furthermore, "The strength of the proposal is the subtle integration of the building mass in the surrounding context, the adequate modulation and connection that creates flexible unit combinations to respond to future demands and lasting place making generated through the preservation of historic traces and buildings."

Reiterating KCAP's statement, the jury mentioned that the proposal "presented the most suitable strategy for Sewoon District #4 based on excellent understanding of historic and urban conditions of the site."

Construction is set to commentce in 2021 with completion in 2023. KCAP beat out second-prize winner HAEAHN Architecture and third-prize winner Moongyu Choi.

Image: KCAP

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