The Vatican Heads to Venice

John Hill | 17. janvier 2018
Norman Foster's Droneport from the 2016 Biennale – inspiration for a Vatican chapel? (Photo: John Hill/World-Architects)

Architectural historian Francesco Dal Co was tasked with selecting, alongside the Vatican team, the ten architects who will design and erect the chapels on San Giorgio Maggiore. Once the Biennale has wrapped up its exhibition in November, the chapels are set to be dismantled, shipped to Catholic communities in need of a chapel, and rebuilt.

The ten architects, alphabetical by country:

  • Sean Godsell, Australia
  • Carla Juaçaba, Brazil
  • Smiljan Radic, Chile
  • Francesco Cellini, Italy
  • Teronobu Fujimori, Japan
  • Javier Corvalán, Paraguay
  • Eduardo Souto de Moura, Portugal
  • Eva Prats & Ricardo Flores, Spain
  • Norman Foster, United Kingdom
  • Andrew Berman, USA

The 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale, running 25 May to 25 November, is being directed by Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara of Grafton Architects under the theme Freespace.

News via Arch Daily

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