Connecting the Past With the Future

John Hill | 5. marzo 2025
Songyang Culture Neighborhood, Lishui, 2020 (Photo courtesy of Arch-Exist)

Watch “A Person, An Architect,” in which Liu speaks from his Chengdu studio about his approach to architecture:

Watch “Connecting Past, Present and Future,” about two liquor museums — the Shuijingfang Museum, a cultural heritage site in Chengdu, and the Renovation of Tianbao Cave District of Erlang Town in Luzhou:

Watch “Materials as Memory,” in which Liu discusses the recycled brick project and the Hu Huishan Memorial, both born from the 2008 Sichuan earthquake:

Watch “Luyeyuan Stone Sculpture Art Museum: Coexisting with Nature,” about the small museum his eponymous studio completed more than twenty years ago:

Watch “West Village: A Megastructure, A Masterpiece,” about the full-block courtyard building in Chengdu that is topped by a 1.6-km track:

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