MAP Studio to Design the Next MPavilion

John Hill | 5. maggio 2021
Traudy Pelzel and Francesco Magnani of MAP studio

Although the news of MAP studio being selected for the 2021 MPavilion was just announced this week — one month after the program wrapped up its five-month run at the Parkade Carpark, designed by Peter McIntyre in the 1960s — the studio has been involved on the project since 2020. Traudy Pelzel and Francesco Magnani of MAP studio were originally commissioned for the 2020 MPavilion, but obviously the coronavirus pandemic waylaid those plans. Even so, details on their design will not be released until July.

Naomi Milgrom, founder of MPavilion, commended the "sensitive, deeply site-responsive work" of MAP studio, which we encountered at the first Holy See Pavilion, part of the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale; Magnani and Pelzel had designed the Asplund Chapel, which was inspired by Gunnar Asplund's Woodland Chapel and exhibited drawings, photographs and a model of that 20th-century masterpiece.

Magnani and Pelzel had this to say on the announcement of their participation in the 2021 MPavilion:

"As an open-access, democratic space, MPavilion performs the crucial role of inviting people from all walks of life to engage in conversations around design, architecture and culture, and take an active part in the meaningful development of their own civic spaces. MAP studio is honored to play such an important role in the cultural life of Melbourne and the reanimation of its city center after lockdown. We thank the Naomi Milgrom Foundation for this wonderful opportunity to reopen the channels of creative exchange between our cities."

We will post details on MAP studio's design of the MPavilion once they're made available. In the meantime, be sure to check out the portfolio of projects in their office profile.

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