NAS Architecture

FAV Pavilion 2015

FAV / NAS Architecture | 10. aprile 2015
Images courtesy of Festival des Architectures Vives

At the occasion of the Festival des Architectures Vives 10th anniversary and its exceptional location in the the Hotel Saint-Côme's court, the standpoint of the Pavilion must be thoughtful and contextual. It was important to use the various elements which put rhythm into the court as a base to the global shape development of the Pavilion. Taking root in the ground, the Pavilion expands in a multiplicity of randomly set terraces to be used by visitors as a reading space, to rest  or as a scene for the numerous events that proceed during the festival. The Pavilion then comes to include the surrounding columns to form a huge reception space for the public. Due to its form and generosity, its interiority appeals. Made up of a mural scenography, this space becomes an information and meeting point during the Festival.

The unit is composed of medium’s plates tinted of anthracite color in the external mass, thus privileging a mono material which mainly highlights the form variations and the global unit. The interior is composed of clear colors which contrast with the external surface and invite the public to enter. This space is beam, neither stopping the glance nor the passage. The use of the Pavilion wants to be fluid and ergonomic.

More than a simple object, this Pavilion is an architectural tool. An articulation that proposes more than it imposes.  It is possible to turn around it, cross it, climb above it… The goal is to offer, with a small surface, a large number of possible uses.
Thus, the Pavilion aims at being a friendly and sharing meeting space; in the image of the FAV. A place where to understand the Festival, to talk about it and to express on it.

NAS Architecture

NAS Architecture was founded in 2013. Gathering personal experiences, the agency results from a series of collaborations that were initiated in recent years, like the participation to several national and international competitions.
Thus, NAS Architecture continues to develop following the same dynamic, by working on a multitude of projects with no distinction of scale or location; by showing the same implication in drawing pavilions and urban projects. Each project becomes an opportunity to apply a posture to a place or a society in order to open a speech with various project stakeholders.
The dynamics of projects is then based on a wish to develop the qualities and uses of a place while using the constraints to be their benefits. The work of the agency is thus intended as contextual and uses the landscape, usages and technical specifications of the region as components of references to resonance within a program specific.
NAS advocates designing living spaces in line with contemporary expectations of society in perpetual evolution.

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