2016 MPavilion Heading to the Melbourne Zoo

John Hill | 31. 3月 2017
Naomi Milgrom and Bijoy Jain in front of Jain's MPavilion (Photo: John Gollings)

The gift follows in the tradition of the first two MPavilions: Sean Godsell's inaugural structure was given to the Hellenic Museum and Amanda Levete's 2015 MPavilion found a permanent home in the Melbourne's Docklands City Park. Jain's 2016 MPavilion, which opened in October 2016 and came down in February, will "be incorporated into new landscaping in existing open space just off the Main Drive between the heritage carousel and the Japanese Garden," according to Melbourne Zoo director Kevin Tanner in a statement from the Naomi Milgrom Foundation.

The successor to Jain's MPavilion in Melbourne's Queen Victoria Gardens will be designed by OMA partners Rem Koolhaas and David Gianotten. It will open to the public on 3 October 2017. Stay tuned for design details once they're released.

To see more of Jain's bamboo structure, check out our post with photos by Rory Gardiner.

MPavilion during its tenure in Queen Victoria Gardens (Photo: Rory Gardiner)
