International 2016 Piranesi Award

John Hill | 4. 1月 2017
2016 Piranesi Award: Renovation of Plecnik's House in Trnovo, Ljubljana, 2015 (Photo: Tadej Bolta)

From the 34 nominated projects culled from 8 countries in the Alpe Adria region and Central Europe (Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia and Slovenia), the Piranesi Award was given to the Renovation of Jože Plečnik's House in Trnovo, Ljubljana, carried out by architects Maruša Zorec, Maša Živec and Matjaž Bolčina of Arrea arhitekti. The jury* recognized the "architectural sensibility of the intervention in [a] protected house of cultural heritage."

Further, the "architects presented the evolution of the construction with new little interventions where every detail is perfectly designed. The project presents the opinion of jury that architecture is in every scale and any program, from big building to little humble detail."

2016 Piranesi Mention: Fire Station, Vierschach, 2016 (Photo: Gustav Willeit)

An honorable mention was given to Pedevilla Architects' Fire Station in Vierschach, Italy. The jurry commented: "It has attractive and intelligent section solution. With simple volume of the new object architects established a suggestive relationship with nature and topography where little church in behind keeps it dominant role."

2016 Piranesi Mention: Jigiya So Rehabilitation Center, Kati, Republic of Mali, 2014 (Photo: Caravatti)

Another honorable mention was given to Emilio Caravatti and Matteo Caravatt's Jigiya So Rehabilitation Center in Kati, Republic of Mali. The jury commented: "With very simple technical construction, use of local materials and monochromatic color the architecture sensitively responds to local context. The organization and disposition of different pavilions create very useful inner spaces that provide favorable microclimate."


Lastly, the student honorable mention was given to bridgingMzamba in Eastern Cape, South Africa, the work of students Thomas Harlander and Florian Anzenberger of Fachhochschule Kärnten, Spittal, under mentors Marlene Wagner, Peter Nigst, Mario Rinke, Wolfgang Steiner and Daniel Meyer. The jury commented: "Long profile achieves a very precise relation between the structure and form. The jury also appreciated the social value of the new infrastructure and the capacity of the authors for being involved in this courageous and real construction with a mature result."

*The 2016 jury:

Francisco Mangado, president of the jury
Ramon Bosch
Bet Capdeferro
Carlo Cappai
Adnan Harambašić
Lena Krušec
Tomaž Krušec
Klaudia Ruck
Armando Ruinelli
Maria Alessandra Segantini
Roland Winkler
