Six Finalists Selected for Canadian Canoe Museum

John Hill | 22. 5月 2015
Canadian Canoe Museum (Photo: Courtesy of Canadian Architect)

According to their website, the Canadian Canoe Museum is a private, not-for-profit organization "that explores the canoe’s enduring significance to the peoples of Canada." Currently housed in a nondescript building near big-box retailers, the move to the nearby, water-based site is meant to raise the exposure of the museum and the Lift Lock site, while giving the museum an architecturally noteworthy home.

Following an RFQ (Request for Qualifications) held in March that yielded 90 submissions, the museum has selected the following architects/teams for the next stage in the competition:

Kohn Pedersen Fox, New York
Heneghan Peng Architects, Dublin
• Team of Bing Thom Architects, Vancouver, and Lett Architects, Peterborough
• Team of Provencher_Roy, Montreal, and NORR, Toronto
• Team of Patkau Architects, Vancouver, and Brook McIlroy, Toronto
5468796 Architecture, Winnipeg

Per Canadian Architect's article on the competition, "Stage 2 of the Competition will run through August 11, 2015. ... The Canadian Canoe Museum is expecting to make a final selection of the design in the fall of this year leading towards the Canada 150 celebration in 2017."

Canadian Canoe Museum entrance (Photo: Courtesy of Canadian Canoe Museum)
Peterborough Lift Lock National Historic Site (Photo: Robert Taylor/Wikimedia Commons)



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